Chapter 3: Healing Magic

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Keyne stepped forward and respectfully moved to escort Sora out of the room. Sora could not help but hesitate before moving in the direction the knight named Keyne pointed in.

As he walked out he looked back at the room filled with knights and men with robes. The quintessential description one would associate with any fantasy novel.

"This must be a dream. Maybe I fell into a coma when I was hit? Whatever, dream or not I can only continue moving forward." He thought.

Keyne who'd been observing Sora, soon noticed something wrong. "Sir Sora..."


"Sir Sora are ..."


"Sir Sora are you..."

"Sora! Please just call me Sora, enough of that Sir stuff." Sora remarked.

Keyne smiled, "Sora, are you okay? You seem to be walking with a limp and I've noticed some blood. Were you perhaps injured during the summoning ritual?" He asked as he glanced down at Sora's knees, a slight tinge of red visible through the light tearing in his pants.

"Not during, but just before. Either way it doesn't matter. They are just small scratches." Sora said.

"They are causing you pain. There is no reason you shouldn't get proper treatment." Keyne said. He then turned to find a young knight standing guard in the hall not far away.

"Contact the healer and have him meet us at Sir Sora's living quarters." Keyne ordered. Receiving his orders, the young night quickly left to get the healer.

"Healer? Are healers what you call doctors in this world?" Sora asked.

"No. We have doctors and healers. A doctor treats common illnesses and diseases as well as minor injuries. Most will see a doctor because the costs are low. Unfortunately, treatment tends to be slower, as they use medicinal herbs and other rudimentary medical practices to treat their patients." Keyne said.

"Sounds similar to doctors on Earth but less advanced. What about the healers?" Sora asked.

"A healer uses intermediate or advance magic. The use of magic can create an almost instantaneous recovery. Although, the results are determined by the healer's ability and the type of wound or illness." Keyne briefly explained as they walked. His gate much slower so Sora would not need to rush.

"It seems that magic is used for a lot of things here." Sora said as he looked at the orbs of light lining the halls in place of fire or electricity.

"Everyone in this world is capable of using magic at its most basic level. It would be strange not to use it in some form or another. I could teach you." Keyne said confidently.

"I'm not interested in learning magic." Sora said.

"It will be difficult to live in this world without understanding and being capable of using the most basic level of magic." Keyne explained.

"Why? What makes magic so irreplaceable?" Sora wondered.

"It's not that it's irreplaceable, but rather that refusing to use magic for even the smallest daily activity would only make life more difficult or how to say less convenient.
For example, in one day, you might use magic to start a fire to cook or warm the house on a cold day. Later at night, you will use magic to light a room so you may see or flush the toilet with some water." Keyne explained.

"Even flushing a toilet? Don't tell me you don't have indoor plumbing or sewers." Sora asked with disgust. The idea that he might have to use a latrine or outhouse was disgusting.

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