Chapter 21: I'm Leaving

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Entering his room Sora nearly collapsed on the floor. The situation had caused him a great deal of anxiety as his stomach churned painfully.

"I can't stay here any longer." Sora thought. He felt something changing the longer he stayed. His apprehension and distrust of the people and his desire to leave growing fainter with each day.

"If I stay here things will only progress in the same way they did when I was a child. I'll slowly give up on the thought of leaving and eventually give in and do whatever the king or others in this world want. My freedom will slowly be taken from me and I'll be too stupid to resist. I don't want that. Not again." Sora asserted.

Recalling the past he couldn't pinpoint exactly when but at some point during his abduction he had given up on escaping and returning home. Not only that but even when they beat him or locked him away in the room depriving him of all freedom he felt it was deserved and would be grateful when they unlocked the door and allowed him to walk around the house once more.

The therapists and doctors told him it was the mind's way of protecting itself in times of stress, a type of survival mechanism. Some even called it 'Stockholm Syndrome' because when asked to testify against his captures he was more worried about them or felt what they did to him was justified after enduring years of suffering.

It took a lot of time and effort before he broke free from their hold on him. Threatened with the possibility of such a situation happening again Sora grew scared. His only thought now was to leave as soon as possible.

"I've already gathered everything I need. I'll pack up tonight and leave in the morning. Once I'm at Loe Lake I shouldn't have to deal with anyone or anything from the palace. I can build a quiet life for myself on a farm." Sora thought as he sat on the ground hugging his knees.

He remained in this huddled position as he reviewed his plans in his head. "No matter what, I'm leaving tomorrow."


Keyne quickly finished speaking with Jasper and returned to the room.

Knock... knock

"Strange has he already left for dinner?" Keyne thought after hearing no response. Not entirely certain he knocked again. While strengthening his hearing to listen for any response from inside.


From the other side off the door Keyne could faintly hear the sound of someone sniffling. "Sora, it's Keyne. May I come in?" He called out loudly as he resisted the urge to rush into the room.


"Sora?" Keyne called out once more. "He has ten seconds before I go in." Keyne decided. He had never been ignored by Sora in this way and grew more worried with every passing second.


Just as Keyne was about to break in he heard the door unlock. From the other side Sora slowly opened the door by a crack. Through the slit in the door Keyne could see Sora's red eyes and pale complexion.

"Sora what's wrong? Why won't you let me in? Did something happen while I was away?" Keyne asked in a panic. An uncontrollable anger building up inside him. "The moment I find out who did this they will pay." He swore to himself.

"I'm fine. I just want to be alone... Keyne could you tell the king or whoever that I plan on leaving at dawn tomorrow?" Sora said after a long pause.

"Tomorrow? Why do you want to leave so suddenly?" Keyne asked surprised by the news. He thought Sora was enjoying his time and would be staying at least a few more days.

"It's not sudden. I've already stayed longer than planned. I wanted to leave on the first day but things happened and everything was delayed... I can't stay here any longer. I'm leaving in the morning." Sora stuttered his emotions unstable.

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