Chapter 78: Wedding Night (pt.1)

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Keyne held Sora close. His hands refusing to let go after their kiss ended. Keyne looked down at Sora with amorous eyes. His desire burning for more. He leaned in for another kiss.


Sora held up his hand stopping Keyne from kissing him. Keyne's eyes went wide in surprise.

"You promised." Sora reminded him, a light blush colouring his tear stained cheeks.

"Just one more." Keyne begged as he playfully nudged Sora's hand. Sora nearly burst out laughing at Keyne's playful act.

"I worked hard on the cake and tried my best to prepare for dinner. Don't make it go to waste." Sora warned.

Keyne mulled over Sora's warning. His head now fighting with his lower half. "I did promise, but he looks so tempting." Unfortunately Keyne's lower half was beginning to win as he playful nudging turned to a light nibble.

Sora could see the flames of desire rising in Keyne's crystal blue eyes as he hungrily took the tips of his finger into his mouth to nibble.

Sora knew he wouldn't be able to resist Keyne's advances if he let him kiss him even one more time. He hurriedly pulled away.

"I'm serious, or are you planning to set a precedent of breaking your promises?" Sora said. His words struck deep and Keyne's wandering thoughts froze.

Keyne immediately let go of Sora. A look of guilt now clouding his eyes. "Forgive me Sora. I'll keep my promise. Nothing indecent until nightfall." Keyne solemnly said. Like a puppy cast aside in a rainstorm Keyne stood there quietly reflecting on his impulsive actions.

Now Sora was the one plagued with guilt. "I shouldn't have said that. But today is our makeshift wedding ceremony even if it's just the two of us and... and I guess it's not okay if Keyne isn't happy." Sora was beginning to regret pushing Keyne away.

He had wanted the day to be perfect and romantic with a delicious dinner and the exchange of rings. But now it was looking less romantic and more like they might have their first fight. It was far from what he hoped it would be.

"Keyne, I'm sorry." Sora said with self-reproach. He was worried he'd just ruined their day.

Keyne however didn't see it that way. He stepped forward and picked Sora up into his arms. "Let's go for a walk." Keyne said before walking out the door carrying Sora.

Sora was at a loss. He didn't know what was going on. "Keyne what are you doing?"

"Going for a walk." Keyne answered as though it was the obvious answer.

"You said that already. Can you explain why?"

"Because we need a change of pace. Sora you aren't wrong to stop me. I can't pounce on you every time I have the urge to touch or make love to you. We may be married but that doesn't mean I can do whatever I want whenever I want.
Not to mention you're body still isn't used to making love and we should only do it when we both want it. I don't wish for today to be filled with awkwardness. So we are going for a walk as a change of pace." Keyne said as he strolled around the area with Sora firmly held in his arms.

"It's not that I don't want to do those things with you. It's just I didn't want today to only be about doing that. Also if we do that now I won't have the energy for anything else and I wanted today to be a little more special than usual." Sora admitted.

"I know. I'm not angry or upset, my sweet Sora. I love you that won't change even if there are times when things get awkward or tense." Keyne said. He then gently kissed Sora on the forehead.

Sora smiled and wanted to kiss him back.


As he was was moving close to kiss Keyne he heard a child laughing from somewhere close by.

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