Chapter 142: The Judge

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Reaching the judges office Sora could see Genevieve waiting.

"What are you doing here?" Genevieve and Sora said simultaneously as they looked at each other with contempt. Keyne naturally answered Sora's question.

"I'm here because I need to be. What are you doing here? You have nothing to do with this." Genevieve repeated.

"I'm his husband. This not only affects him but me as well. I have a right to be here." Sora countered.

He said it with confidence but in reality Sora felt like he was unwanted and acting overly possessive of Keyne. Despite the conflicting emotions Sora stood by Keyne's side.

"Genevieve, why haven't you gone in yet?" Keyne asked.

"I was hoping we could talk a little before the meeting." Genevieve said with a shy smile.

"What do you want to discuss?" Keyne asked.

"Could we talk in private?" Genevieve said while eyeing Sora.

"Whatever you want to say can be said in front of Sora." Keyne said as he wrapped his arm around Sora's waist.

"Please,  just a few minutes." Genevieve begged. Sora looked at Keyne and could see he wasn't going to leave him. So he decided to tell him to go himself.

"Keyne go talk to her. I'll wait here." Sora said.

Keyne was a little shocked by Sora's willingness to let him speak with Genevieve alone. He looked over planning to ask if Sora was sure. Sora looked back at him and gave him a sad smile while gently pushing him away. Keyne could tell Sora wanted to let them speak alone. Willing to do whatever Sora wanted Keyne reluctantly agreed.

"You have five minutes." Keyne said before walking into the ally a few feet away. Genevieve quickly followed behind but not before shooting Sora a triumphant smirk. Sora frowned in return. Quietly cursing inside.


"What do you want to talk about?" Keyne asked.

"I'll tell the truth about the baby if you divorce that man and move back to the Capital." Genevieve didn't waste time and quickly got to the point.

"Never." Keyne said before turning around to leave. Genevieve didn't give up. She grabbed Keyne's arm to stop him. Keyne immediately pulled away with a level of force that would have knocked down a weaker woman.

"Keyne? Why are you being like this? What has that man said to turn you against me? We've known each other since we were children."

"Genevieve, my husband isn't the problem. You and I have never been intimate and I've told you for years that I have no interest in you romantically. Now, you are accusing me of being the father of your unborn child. How am I suppose to react?" Keyne asked.

"I had no choice. If I didn't do it you never would have come back." Genevieve claimed with a sad look.

"Genevieve even if by some miracle you win and convince this judge that I am the father. I won't move back to the Capital. I have a home with Sora."

"The judge will force you to stay here and help me raise the baby."

"He won't. My life in Loe Lake isn't only about being with my husband. It's also my job. A job assigned to me by the King. The judge will never rule in favour of me abandoning my husband and job for this child of dubious origins." Keyne said.

"Then I'll move to Loe Lake."

"The land is owned by Sora. Land given to him by the king. The closest place is a small fishing village an hour away by boat. You can move there but I'll never visit you or spend time with you. Genevieve I don't know who gave you this grand idea that I'd be yours if you lied but it's a trick. I'll never be yours."

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