Chapter 133:Flight (Pt.2)

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The flight was cold Sora snuggled up as close to Keyne as possible in hopes of warming himself. Keyne was willing to oblige. He wrapped Sora in a tight embrace. He even opened his own coat for Sora to nestled in. Despite his efforts Sora was shivering nonstop.

"When we go back I'll bury Sora in a pile of blankets inside the carriage." Keyne mused as he held his pitifully cold husband.

"Koll, how much longer?" He asked.

"Take a look for yourself. The Capital is within sight." Koll said.

Keyne did as he was told and looked into the distance. The castle soon appeared magnificently located next to the grand lake and crowded city.

"Shall I land within the castle walls?" Koll asked.

Keyne gave it some thought. Landing in the castle could be construed as an attack. It would also cause a large commotion because of Koll's presence and affect on others. But landing outside the Capital defeated the purpose of using Koll aside from the speed. He had every intention to land within the castle walls when they left but he now had his reservations. He looked back at the Prince behind them as he considered their options.

"What?" The Prince snapped.

Like Sora he was also freezing. But unlike Sora and Keyne he had no one to warm him. Feeling miserable and lonely he directed his frustrations at Keyne.

"Outside the Capital or within the castle grounds?" Keyne asked.

"I'm freezing my ass off because you wanted to cause a commotion? If you dare land anywhere outside the castle grounds I'll beat you up!" The Prince shouted through clattering teeth.

"Land at the castle? Won't that be a big problem? I know we want to cause a commotion but bringing a dragon to the castle can't be good!" Sora interjected.

"No worries. I, the prince, am with you. Plus Keyne is still a knight even if his title changed to the personal bodyguard and husband of, what was your title again? Oh yeah 'Honorary Guest of the King'. Besides knowing Keyne he would have sent Aweni ahead of us to tell the King directly."

"Would you prefer I didn't?" Keyne asked. He obviously cared more about Sora's opinion than the prince's or his own agenda.

"If you think it's for the best, okay. But after we land we leave and go find an inn to stay at, right? We agreed we wouldn't stay at the castle." Sora said.

"We will land, say our hello's to the king, sign in with the judge, and go to the inn where I've already arranged accommodations." Keyne said.

Sora wasn't pleased with having to be at the castle, but if Keyne considered it necessary. He wouldn't object.

"Koll, land on the castle grounds." Keyne instructed after Sora gave him the okay.

Koll suddenly sped up. The sudden increase in speed caused the cart to rock. Keyne hugged Sora tighter to protect him.

"Hey! Can't you give a little warning before you speed up?" Prince Jodi shouted without a thought after almost being thrown off the cart. Koll glared down at him with his black bottomless eyes.

"Sorry." The prince cowardly uttered.







As Koll flew over the Capital and headed past the castle walls to land screams could be heard throughout the Capital. Koll had suppressed his presence minimizing his impact to only that of surprise and the fear of seeing a dangerous monster.

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