Chapter 102: Droplet (NSFW)

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Sora watched as Keyne fluttered around the small house. He started by washing all but Sora's plates. While he cleaned up Sora continued eating his lunch.

Sora knew Keyne was more than just a little excited. But he didn't eat any faster. It was the opposite. He ate slower while enjoying the cute way Keyne was acting. He then saw Keyne head over to the tub.

"Do you want me to fill it for you?" Sora asked from the table while taking another bite of horned rabbit meat. His movements were deliberate and slow.

Keyne knew Sora was teasing him but he didn't mind. He had plans to get even later. "No rush, finish your lunch. You'll need the energy." Keyne said.

Sora's smile faltered at his remarked. To hide his embarrassment Sora looked away and took a bite of corn.

Keune then headed over to the bed and purposefully took out the box he kept their more 'private' items in. He checked each one to make sure there was plenty in the bottles.

He had three different kinds. Each one served a different purpose. The one he used the most was running a little low.   He held it up high into the light. The light cast a blue shadow across the room.

"I'll need to go to town to get more." Keyne said while throwing Sora a teasing look.

"You'll have to wait until the day after tomorrow at best. Sora said.

"Is that you giving me free reign to be a little more passionate tonight?" Keyne asked.

"Don't overdo it. I don't want to be bedridden all day."

"Sweetheart, I admit I sometimes overdo it. However I have never done anything you weren't willing to do, have I?"

"You haven't. You've always been accommodating and considerate."Sora said using less than romantic and vague words.

He was feeling shy. But he wouldn't lie. He was never unwilling nor was he ever forced to do things he wasn't comfortable with.

Although he was adamant about waiting until night and didn't like bathtub play he was never against doing things nor did he hate how forward Keyne was. He always felt Keyne's moves were more cute or funny than annoying or unwanted.

"In that case how about you hurry up and eat so we can enjoy ourselves in an 'accommodating and considerate' way?" Keyne said.

"It's not good for digestion to rush when eating." Sora said in return.

"In that case can you help me with the bath?"

"You plan on taking a bath now while I eat?" Sora said with an exaggerated wide-eyed look.

"I could wait if you want to take one together?" Keyne said in return.

"No. You know I don't like doing that. It's strange and uncomfortable with the water swishing, the heat, the... ugh. The answer is no." Sora said with a grimace.

They had tried it on two separate occasions. The first time wasn't the best but not terrible as they stopped before going all the way.

The second time was more than unpleasant for Sora. In a moment of poor judgement he gave in to Keyne's seduction and let him go all the way while bathing only to regret it later. He liked connecting with Keyne but he swore he would never do it in the bath again.

Keyne knew Sora disliked doing it in the bath. The only time they did Sora had gone along with it but later revealed his discontent. Despite knowing Sora didn't like it he still liked asking.

"If you won't join me for a bath then I'd rather take a shower." Keyne said. Sora almost never took showers but Keyne preferred them.

"You still intend to bath in front of me while I eat?" Sora said with his eyes wide in exaggeration.

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