Chapter 95: Taking A Dip

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Keyne had awoken long before Sora. He briefly thought of sneaking out to get some work done but he remembered how needy Sora could be after a night of passion. So he quietly lingered in bed.

Staying at Sora's side Keyne noticed he had a fever. He pulled the blankets higher and held him close. "I'll need to prepare some medicine for him once he wakes up." Keyne thought.

He lightly kissed Sora's forehead, it was hot and a light sweat had formed due to the fever. "My poor sweet baby." He quietly whispered.


Sora finally woke up. His body ached and he felt sticky and uncomfortable. With a light groan he reached out. Keyne took his hand and kissed it.

"I'm here sweetheart. Tell me where you feel uncomfortable." Keyne said.

"Everywhere. It's Hot... sticky." Sora said. His voice was hoarse and dry as he quietly spoke.

"It'll be okay, my sweet." Keyne said. With Sora awake he finally slipped out of bed and gave Sora a glass of water after helping him sit up. Sora slowly sipped the water.

"Do I have a fever again?" Sora asked after his throat felt a little better.

"You do. Working on our little house and making love was too much for one day. I'll go make you some medicine." Keyne said.

"You're supposed to go to the construction site to get an update from Arthek." Sora said when he noticed how bright it was outside.

"It's fine. I can go tomorrow."

Sora cursed his weak constitution. "Why did someone like me get summoned to this world? My magic isn't exactly remarkable and my constitution is as terrible as it was in the past. It's really unbelievable that I could be a hero!" Sora wondered aloud as he continued sipping his water.

"I have a theory. Do you want to hear it?"

"What's your theory?" Sora asked. He was curious about what Keyne might say.

"It's simple. You were summoned here so we could be together. You are my destined lover. The universe made a mistake and we were born in separate worlds. To fix the mistake it had us reunited in this one through the summoning."


Sora was so shocked by Keyne's response he did a spit take and made of mess.

Cough... cough... cough*

"Sora, what's wrong?" Keyne asked. He quickly rubbed Sora's back trying to sooth his coughing fit.

"What... cough... what goes on in that head of yours?" Sora wondered.

"That's simple. All my thoughts revolve around you." Keyne responded as though it was natural..

Sora stared at Keyne with dead eyes. He was at a loss. There was no talking to this man when it came to love.

Despite the ridiculous answers Keyne gave, Sora didn't hate them. No matter how cheesy or sickly sweet they were. They always warmed his heart and made him feel loved.


The day was quiet. Sora wanted nothing more than to cuddle and Keyne was willing to oblige his every wish. While Sora slept Keyne worked on the little house and while he was awake they stuck close.

By night, Sora's fever was gone and he felt well enough to move. He helped cook dinner and while Keyne worked on the little house he fed and pampered Gallos and Midori.


The next day, Keyne left early with Gallos and headed over to the construction site. Waking up alone Sora was a little depressed.

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