Chapter 42: First Impressions

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"Are you sure you don't want to stay in bed? I can talk to the adventurers myself. You should stay in bed and rest." Keyne said as he followed Sora around the house.

"I'm fine. My fever is gone. I've been sleeping for two days. I need to get up and move." Sora said as he entered the kitchen. He planned to make some lunch for the adventurers to thank them for the help and to start on the right foot.


Keyne heard Sora cough again. He wasn't having coughing fits like the previous two days but he was still coughing from time to time. Keyne stepped forward to try once again to convince Sora to lay down.

"No!" Sora stated with a stubborn look before Keyne had a chance to say a word. With no chance to speak Keyne backed down and decided to silently help him as best as possible.

"What are you planning to make?" Keyne asked. Sora had him buy several tomatoes, sausages, bacon, onion, garlic, and cheese made from the Brutus Cow milk.

"I was thinking of making pizza. It's simple but delicious and can be adjusted to suit everyone's preferences."

Putting a makeshift mask, Sora first started making some dough. He wanted to give it time to rise while he made the tomato sauce. To make tomato sauce from fresh tomatoes was simple. Normally he would purée tomatoes whole, but with no blender Sora blanched, peeled, and crushed the tomatoes after clearing the seeds.

With the tomatoes prepared Sora heated a sauce pan and added some garlic, sugar, salt, and herbs. His secret ingredient was a touch of chilli to give it some dimension.

"I'll help." Keyne said as he reached for the pan when Sora started coughing again. Sora stepped away from the stove and let Keyne watch it.

"Cough* keep stirring it until it gets thick." Sora said as he moved to wash his hands again.

"How thick?"

"Thicker than pasta sauce." Sora said as he took out the meat to cut up and precook.

Keyne couldn't help but sigh. He stepped in to give Sora a break but instead of relaxing for a moment Sora began on the next task.

"What are you planning to do with those?"

"Cut them up and fry them." Sora said as he took out his favourite cooking knife. It was one of the knives Keyne had helped him pick out in Capital City. It was sharp and the perfect size for his hand.

While Sora wasn't paying attention Keyne took his cutting board and meat and brought them over to the table. "Have a seat. You don't need to stand to cut meat." Keyne said still worried about Sora.

This time Sora didn't object. Sitting at the table he prepared to start chopping some meat. "Keep watching the tomato sauce. Don't let it burn." Sora reminded Keyne.

Keyne nodded and went back to the stove to cook "Keyne." Sora quietly called out.

"What is it sweetheart?" Keyne said with a smile. He had been using the pet name 'sweetheart' since Sora fell sick. It was a name Sora wasn't pleased with, but it seemed to be growing on him.

"Sweetheart again... sigh* whatever. As long as it makes him happy." Sora thought when he heard the pet name.

"I just wanted to say thank you for the help." Sora said. He wasn't only saying thank you for the help in the kitchen but also the knife and everything Keyne had done for him. He now knew it was because Keyne loved him, but it didn't change how grateful he was.

"No problem." Keyne said with a smile as he continued to stir the tomato sauce.

With Keyne at the stove Sora prepared and cut all the vegetables and cheese needed.

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