Chapter 148: Going Out With Friends (Pt.2)

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Sora went a little crazy shopping. While traveling from store to store he jotted down every detail in his notebook. He wrote how much he spent as well as the price of all the items they saw. His mission: to no longer be ignorant  about money.

"Let's head in here next. It might take a while but we can have Aweni send you the new pair of glasses once they are done." Archmage Galen proposed.

"Glasses? Oh yeah, I forgot they got cracked." Sora said while readjusting them on his face.

"You didn't notice?" Chef Jameson asked a little surprised.

"It's fine. The crack is for the right eye. I'm blind in that eye. It doesn't matter if it's cracked. Besides I have a new pair waiting for me in Lacus Town. I can wait to replace them." Sora said.

"What happened to your glasses if you don't mind me asking? Does it have anything to do with you needing time alone?" Chef Jameson asked with a great deal of concern.

"What? No! It's nothing like that. I swear. Keyne would never do anything to hurt me. Don't think of him like that." Sora stated in a stern tone and his brow furrowing.

"I didn't mean it like that. I was just a little worried." Chef Jameson said his hands up in surrender.

"It's fine. Let's keep going. I need cheese." Sora said as he continued walking forward. The others looked at each other with concern but decided not to question it.


Along the way to the cheese vendor Keyne met back up with them. Following him was Prince Jodi.

"Prince Jodi will you be joining us?" Archmage Galen asked.

"Yeah, it sounded like fun so I thought I'd join you. Also Mom wanted me to tell you guys that the field is ready. You can head over whenever." The Prince said.

"Already? If it's that quick I can do more than a few more times." Sora said.

"Sora, don't push it." Keyne warned.

"Would you like me to join you later? I am responsible for insuring Sora's safety when it comes to his magic use." Archmage Galen asked.

"It's not a lot. I should be fine." Sora said. Keyne on the other hand had a different opinion.

"We appreciate the help." Keyne stated without hesitation.

"We don't need to bother him for something so small." Sora opposed.

"It doesn't hurt to be safe." Keyne said with determination.

"Worrywart." Sora quietly muttered.

"Only because I love you." Keyne whispered back.


"It stinks." Prince Jodi said the moment they entered the shop.

Keyne looked at Sora with worry. He knew best that Sora was very sensitive to smell. To his surprise Sora had his eyes closed and was purposefully sniffing the air.

Sniff... Sniff*

"This place smells great. Chef Jameson, am I wrong but do they have different types of cheese here?" Sora excitedly asked.

"They do. The owner owns his own farm but he also processes the milk gathered from other farmers and sells the cheese made by others. I guarantee he has the best selection in the Kingdom." Chef Jameson said.

"You speak too highly of this humble shop." An older woman said.

"Mrs Lait, are you watching the shop today?" Chef Jameson asked when he noticed the older woman.

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