Chaiter 23: First Day on the Road

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Although neither Sora nor Keyne had gotten any sleep the night before that didn't stop them from traveling ahead without rest for several hours. The overall pace of the caravan was fast and they didn't stop until just before noon, effectively skipping breakfast.

Keyne had suggested stopping to eat. He knew Sora had skipped dinner and was worried he might be hungry, but when Sora turned to look in the direction they came from and could still see Capital City on the Horizon he refused.

"We're not far enough away yet." Sora thought as he asked Keyne to continue moving forward. It wasn't until the City was out of sight that Sora finally agreed to stop to eat and rest.

For a modern man from Earth like Sora he didn't feel like they had travelled far, but for everyone else they felt the pace was fast and had doubts about the remainder of the voyage.

It wasn't until Sora dismounted from Gallos and nearly fell from the pain in his hips and waist that he realized his mistake. "Keyne be honest with me. Was I being selfish asking everyone to continue moving along for so long without a break?"

"They are all trained soldiers. It wouldn't be unusual to go half a day without rest. However, I think it would be wise to move at a slower pace in the future." Keyne said. The nearby soldier nearly cheered aloud when they heard Keyne's words.

"I understand. From now on I won't insist on skipping breaks or meals. It was my mistake." Sora admitted as he rubbed his waist.

Keyne stepped forward and helped him massage his waist. "Wha! What are you doing?!" Sora exclaimed as he pushed Keyne's hands away.

"It was your first time riding on a mount. It's understandable that your hips and thighs will be sore. I simply wanted to help with a massage." Keyne said with an innocent look on his face.

"Thank you, but I can do it myself." Sora said as he took a step away from Keyne.

"Are you sure? I'm rather confident in my ability?" Keyne stated with a warm smile. Sora was briefly tempted, but soon shook his head. "No, thank you."

Feeling a sense of disappointment Keyne helped remove Gallos' saddle and began rubbing him down. He was very attentive when it came to Gallos' care.

Sora tried walking in hopes of reducing the stiffness in his waist. Despite his aimless wandering Keyne was happy to see Sora had never strayed more than 2-3 meters from his side.

"Sir Keyne should we prepare to rest and have an early lunch?" The Captain of the guard asked.

"Sora what do you think?" Keyne asked.

"Yes, that's fine." Sora said surprised Keyne would ask his opinion again after his earlier mistake.

"We will have an early lunch and depart again in two hours." Keyne said to the Captain. The man nodded and quickly returned to his men to prepare.

Keyne hadn't brought along anyone to care for Sora as they travelled. He personally intended to help Sora with all his needs. With that in mind he went to the carriage to take out some freshly made food.

Chef Jameson had prepared several days worth of meals for Sora and Keyne to eat while traveling. Thanks to the built-in icebox on Keyne's personal carriage the food would last several days without worry. All Keyne needed to do was reheat it.

"Noticing Keyne entering the carriage Sora approached curiously. The carriage looked larger than the one they used when traveling into town. Looking inside he noticed how spacious it was. Keyne lifted the front bench revealing a trunk. Sora shivered when the cool air escaped in his direction.

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