Name Drop

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from One Piece!

(Writers note: guys, trust me when I say, it gets good! My first few chapters take a little while to get going but it all pays off! Skip, Sick, and whoops are good precursors if you want to skip forward - also, I love reactions and comments! Feel free to do so!)

"You wanna know..." My cheek rested on my hand as I looked sideways outside the window. I felt my hair shift against my cheek. My eyes narrowed as I hesitated. "My story?"


    One minute, I was taking care of my horses. Then I felt myself getting knocked back. Next thing I knew, I was laying on my back, underneath a clear blue sky. The sun glared into my eyes as the smell of sea salt filled my nose. The soft sound of gentle waves crashing and the gentle sway underneath me was a sign that I certainly was not in my barn anymore.

"Hey uhhh..... so whatcha doin on my ship?"
A chill went up my spine as I sat up. Nothing was real anymore. Pure saturated colors in a 2D world. My eyes widened as my vision adjusted to the shadow that had been cast on me.

"No friggin way. You're.... Monkey D. Luffy!"

A smile bigger than life itself spread across his cheeks. "So you've heard of me, huh? That's neat"

"I.... Uhhh... how did I... get here??" My eyes widened as I looked at my hands. Yep, I'm in 2D now too. This is weird. I knew about this world. I knew about Luffy and all of his exploits. Because he was a character in a manga and a show. Or, he is supposed to be. Was this a dream? Was this fate? Why the Hell am I here?? Is everything accurate? What time line did I get dropped off in? Is the creator of One Piece pulling strings or is he just reporting on this world? Or is this just a crazy coincidence of an alternate reality!? I have no idea but.... I look up at Luffy, who is now accompanied by Zoro and the rest of the crew... What now?

"If you don't know how you got here, what makes you think we know?" Zoro asked. Good point.

"Maybe it would help if you started with your name?" Robin chimed in. "It seems like you might know some of us."

"Mhmm" I swallowed and nodded "I know of all of you guys. Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Chopper, Usopp, Robin, Franky, Brook, and Jimbei."

"Aaaand you are?" Luffy knelt down, his nose almost touching my nose with excitement from this new person sitting on his ship.

   I don't want to use my actual name.

"M-Misaki" What kind of name is that, dude????

"Nice to meet you M'! Yeah, that works" Luffy says with a big toothy grin.

No friggin way. That's my actual nickname. I couldn't help but chuckle at the dumb luck. I try to pick a new name for myself and still get slapped with the ole nickname. What are the odds?

 What are the odds?

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