Feelings and Felting

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     "Hey — oh my God!" I said as I walked into the girl's room.

Nami and Robin looked half dead, having fallen asleep half sitting up with my scarf in their hands. It was starting to look like a scarf again, rather than a tattered piece of wool. They blended the patches in seamlessly up until the point that they had fallen asleep. I couldn't believe that in just one night, they had gotten more than half of it done. All the tangles and snags were straightened out, and the patches were in place. All that was left was to blend the rest in and replace the gold detailing and sew or iron the Jolly Roger back on.

I couldn't believe it. I should have been doing this with them. Instead, I was getting myself tangled up in distraction after distraction. Their fingertips were battered from all the needlepointing and they had the heaviest bags under their eyes I had ever seen. If I had known how exhausted they would be, maybe I wouldn't have burst into the room so loudly.

"Hey Misaki." Nami yawned.

"Sorry. We wanted it to be done by the time you got back, but we must have fallen asleep." Robin muttered, rubbing her eyes.

"Guys, you did not have to do all this by yourselves!" I breathed. Both of them looked up and smiled.

"It's the least we could do." Nami said. "After all, if it weren't for you, I would have fallen in too."

"But Nami —"

"Plus, you're our friend. This is your treasure, so we will treasure it too!" Robin said with a smile.

"But you guys don't have to kill yourselves trying to fix it!" I said, tears welling up.

"Oh, we're fine, Misaki!" Nami said with a yawn.

I picked up the scarf off of them and carefully laid it out on the dresser, all the while, shaking my head.

"I'm going to get you guys breakfast. I want you to eat and then sleep. Please."

   "Ok, mom." Nami yawned as Robin laid back and sighed heavily.

I went to the kitchen, interrupting breakfast for everybody else as I snatched a couple plates and gathered some food.

"You look like you're eating for two, my dear." Sanji hummed, making me laugh.

"No, this is for Nami and Robin. They pulled an all nighter last night and need fuel."

"An... an all NIGHTER??!!" Sanji stammered, his nose bleeding a little as his jaw dropped. "Like, together?!"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, Sanji. I was supposed to help them out too. It's a whole thing, though I'm sure you wouldn't want to know about it."

"Y-you were gonna... HELP? Why didn't you?!" He squeaked, his nose bleeding a little more.

"Relaaaax, I'm gonna help later." I teased, making Luffy roll his eyes and scoff.

"Whaaaaaaaat?!" Sanji said, absolutely erupting with dirty thoughts.

"Sanji! She isn't talking about that. Chill out."

"How do you know, Luffy?! Don't ruin my fun!" Sanji snapped, fire in his eyes.

"Trust me, Misaki has no reason to add more to her list." Zoro muttered, making Luffy throw a roll at him and shush him.

"I'll have you know, I'm referring to fixing my scarf, you perve." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Wait, you're fixing it now?!" Luffy said, his voice muffled by food.

"I'm gonna take it into the study and work on it while I let the girls rest. They deserve it."

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