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"Hey." I smiled, pulling my face out of Luffy's chest. We were in the girls room, snuggled up in the softest bed known to man.

"Hey." He said, kissing me on the nose as I giggled at him. "I like your new old scarf by the way. Don't know if I said that already."

"You did." I giggled. "All night."

"Well it's a good thing everybody else is passed out on the deck." Luffy said, leaning down to kiss me. "I'm sure I complimented you on a lot of things last night."

"Mhmm." I hummed. "You had a lot to say about many aspects of my being."

"And I still have more to talk about too." He said, kissing down my neck and reaching down in between my legs.

"Oh... Luffy.. fuck." I gasped, unable to contain myself.

"That's the plan." He teased, playing with me as he kissed my forehead.

He climbed on top of me and we moaned as he entered me. He kissed me fervently then run his lips down to my collar bone. He licked and nipped at it, making me gasp as he rocked his hips into me. I rolled my hips into him, letting him go deeper as we both moaned.

"Fuck, Captain, just like that."

"Damn it." He muttered, grabbing me and ramming into my harder. He rolled us onto our sides and kept going as I wrapped my legs around him. "I love when you call me Captain."

I kissed his neck as he continued to ram into me, landing a bite on his crook of his neck as he groaned. It was amazing how quickly he was building me up, sending me through the roof in just a few minutes. Neither of us cared to bother stifling my gasps as I soared higher and higher.

His hands ventured around, grabbing my butt, my hips, my waist. Until, finally, he pushed as deep as he could, and threw his hand over my mouth as I screamed with pleasure. He didn't stop either, rolling his hips as I continued to orgasm. It was the kind that never ended, making him work hard to prolong it even further as he bit and sucked on my neck and rolled his hips again and again. I grabbed his shoulders, digging my nails into his skin as I rolled my hips back into him, letting him go deeper and deeper until I was rolling into yet another orgasm. I leaned down and bit his shoulder, making him gasp as I muffled myself. He turned his head into me and kissed me wherever he could reach as we kept rocking into each other.

I tightened my legs around him, almost wishing we didn't have to stop. He was so deep it hurt and yet I wanted more. He could tell I did too, rocketing his hand over as steam started to pour off of him and his skin got red hot. He rammed into me faster and stronger than before, sending me through another intense orgasm as he continued his onslaught. "L-Luffy."

"Not yet." He ordered, still ramming into me. He slowed down, thrusting his hips long and slow into me as he let the steam dissipate, throwing me into one more orgasm. And then he pried my legs off of him, barely pulling out in time.

"Fuck - oops, haha." He panted and moaned. "Almost... bad..."

"Sorry. I think I went blind for a second there." I teased. "I didn't realize how close you were."

"All good" he panted. Snatching a towel from under my bed and wiping us both off.

He snuggled back down into bed and kissed me on the forehead. "I love you." He swooned.

"I love you too." I cooed, still breathing heavily.

"You hungry?"

"Starving." I laughed. "Not as much as you, I bet.

"I mean... that was a new record for both of us."

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now