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"Hey there, Sanji. Need some help today?" I strode into the kitchen, rolling up my sleeves. Sanji smiled my way and waved me in.

"I always enjoy the company, Ms. Misaki-san."

"Very well, Sir Sanji-chan." I said with a wink, making him swoon. I chuckled, knowing he wasn't serious. I started drying the dishes that Sanji handed to me. We stayed quiet for a moment, just passing the dishes between us.

"So, are you not feeling very chatty today? Why don't you tell me about your day?"

"Actually, it's funny you said something. Someone gave Luffy some interesting ideas."

Sanji winced, knowing where this was going. "Misaki, I -- "

"Why would you go and tell people I'm homesick?" I said flatly, looking at him. I knew it was him. He was the only person I had spoken to about it.

"I just wanted to --"

"You said I could talk to you and you wouldn't blow it out of proportion." I muttered, looking back at the dish I was drying.

"I know. It wasn't about that."

"So what? Why are you trying to sow seeds here?"

"I just don't want anybody getting hurt. I wanted to make sure that Luffy was thinking everything through and not accidentally making you feel a certain way. And I have a bone to pick with you too!"

"With me?!" I said, placing the plate down a little too hard as he passed me another one.

"Yeah you! I only said you were homesick because I thought he knew!"

"You shouldn't have assumed!"

"You should have told him!"

I pursed my lips. I knew he had a point, but I was supposed to be the mad one here, not him.

"I can be your sounding board, but you need to be honest about how you're feeling so certain people don't get shanghaied here."

"I get that, Sanji, but it is up to me to tell, not you."

"Do you plan on staying?"


"Look, I get that there is no telling if we can get you home, but you've been settling down a lot more here than I thought you were going to. Why do you think it's gotten hard to talk about stuff with the others?"

"I --"

"— it's because everybody is getting attached."

I swallowed. I still didn't know the answer. I never thought that Sanji would be the pusher here. "I am too, Sanji."

"You really need to start weighing your options, Misaki."

"I... I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm in an impossible situation!" I yelled, breaking the dish in my hands. "Fuck." I whispered to myself as I immediately started picking up the pieces.

Sanji stood in silence for a moment, watching me calmly pick at the shards on the counter.

"You really can't decide?" Sanji asked calmly.

"I am in love... with all of you guys." I muttered, avoiding eye contact. "I have never felt so close to people in my life. Slowly but surely, you all became my family. And Luffy... well... he became something more than that... but how am I supposed to choose between these bonds?"

"I... I don't know, Misaki."

"There are things, people, animals even that I miss about my reality. Absolutely. But every time I think about making a decision... I feel like my heart is tearing into two. Familiarity and freedom. Family or this crew. A life on land or a life here on the sea. Familial ties or Love...."

Sanji looked at me apologetically as I trailed off. I threw the shards away and put my hand out for another dish to dry. Sanji handed it to me. "Misaki... what is your plan then?"

"I plan to live. In the here and now. I can't live as if in suspended animation. Even if I decided to go back, it's not like we have any leads anyways. All it would do is weigh heavily on the crew."

"Live in the here and now?"

"Live in the here and now."

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now