Pull it together

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     "Luffy." Zoro said, popping into the crow's nest.

     "What are you doing here, Zoro?! How's Misaki?"

     "I think you need to go down there yourself, Luffy." Zoro said. "Don't worry, J is with her now."

    "Did she sleep at all? Eat? Did she have some water?" Luffy said earnestly. "How did she look?"

    "She looks terrible, Luffy. But Brook got her to sleep, and I got her to eat a little and drink some water. But... she looks rough. She is barely talking."

    "Any idea what this is about?" Luffy asked, biting his lip.

    "Who knows... um... did it ever cross your mind that she just doesn't want to —"

    "—No. there's something else going on."

    "Then why won't you go down there?" Zoro asked.

    "I told her I was going to wait up here." Luffy said. "So I'm waiting."

    "She barely has the energy to lift her head right now, Captain. You might need to go to her."

    "Hm." Luffy huffed, pursing his lips.

"Luffy?" Zoro questioned, raising his eyebrows.

"Aghhhh! I just.... What if she...."

"Rejects you?"


"Well why not just come to dinner? I'll see if I can get her to go."

"You sure that's a good idea?" Luffy said, tilting his head.

"No." Zoro grinned, making Luffy laugh.

"At least you're honest."


Zoro came bursting into the study, a little faster and louder than he normally would.

"Ok, chicky. It's time to be a big girl, take a shower, and go to dinner."

"No." I groaned.

"Yes." Zoro said, striding over to the bed.

"Zoro, do you really think—" Mom started, but was cut off when he picked her up off the bed and set her down on the desk. "—Oh!"

The next thing I knew, the blanket was getting ripped off of me, making me whine. "Noooo."

"Two days. You've already missed two dinners. You aren't missing a third. Come on." He said, trying to pick me up. I grabbed at the sheets, whining in protest.

"No, pleaaaase. Just let me stay and wallow." I pleaded, eliciting a disgruntled sound from Zoro.

"You can go right back to wallowing after a shower and some food with your family." He said, prying my hands off of the sheets and throwing me over his shoulder. I couldn't help but yelp as I plopped hard onto his shoulder. "Let's go, runt."

"Wish I could get picked up like that once in a while." My mom hummed.

"All you gotta do is ask, J." Zoro grinned, making my mom chuckle.

"Shut uuuuup." I whined, laying lifeless over Zoro's shoulder.


Zoro leaned against the shower door, waiting for Misaki. He tapped the door with his sword.

"Better hear that water running in a minute, or else I'm going in there."

"Don't you dare!" She snapped, making him smirk a little. Shortly after, he heard the water turn on.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now