Day 5: Bar

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      "Yahoooo! Dinnerrrrr!" Luffy hollered, his hands raised up over his head as they entered the bar.

     "Lu! Shhh! It's not that kinda place!" I said, snatching him by the collar. He glanced at me and dropped his hands, clearing his throat.

   "I mean. Cool. Let's have some dinner."


    We walked into the Bar and sat at the counter. I let Luffy order the biggest, meatiest, heartiest burger on the menu and then just ordered myself a cheeseburger with bacon. And fries. Nice and simple.

   While we waited, I ordered Luffy a beer and ordered myself a rum and coke. Luffy eyed my soda as I squeezed a lime in it and I let him take a sip. He ended up gulping a solid quarter of it before I snatched it away.

   "Listen to me, Lu! I am not dragging your drunk ass outa here. Stick to the beer!"

  "Does that mean I'll be dragging you outa here?" He said, snickering. I frowned and sipped at my drink, ignoring the question. I hoped I wouldn't go overboard but honestly had no idea at this point.

   There was definitely a draw to sitting next to Luffy at the bar as opposed to getting a table. I liked being able to lean my leg against his while we chatted. It made me feel comfortable and happy, having contact with him like that.

   Luffy excused himself to the bathroom for a moment and I watched him go. I smiled and returned to my drink, making sure to watch his too.

   "Really? You gotta bring him 'round here too?"

   "Damn, Max. It really is a pain when you show up."

    "I was trying to avoid you. Honest. But then I noticed you got left all alone." Max responded, clearly a little too drunk.

"Go away, Max." I said, dryly. "Go drink some water and sleep it off somewhere."

"I'm just sayin', he really shouldn't go leaving a pretty thing alone here at the bar." He said, running his fingers through my hair, just barely. Ugh. ICK. "Nice dress, by the way."

"Need I remind you what happened last time?"

"Relaaaaaax! Your mom already beat my ass over that too! I'm just being friendly!" He slurred. He touched the small of my back and leaned forward onto the bar. I glared at him.

"Then stop touching me." I sniped.

"Woah, hey! Message received!" He said, throwing his hands in the air. "I still think you could do better than that scrawny little punk."

"Even if I could, he is still a big step up from your sorry ass." I said, rolling my eyes and taking a sip of my drink.

"Then explain this tension between us?"

"You mean the disgust?"

Just then, Luffy appeared next to me, putting his arm lightly over my shoulders.

"Is there a problem here, M'?" Luffy said, looking between us. He squinted at Max, taking a little too long to recognize him. "Oh! You're that guy! Max out Black out." Oh my GOD LUFFY!

"The Hell did you just call me?" Max roared. Luffy laughed and put his hand up.

"You're right, that's too long. How about I just shorten it to Max-out?" He said, sounding a little more serious as he continued. "Really. Are we going to have a problem here?"

Max hesitated, glancing at me one more time before walking away. I was shook.

"Luffy, are you trying to start a bar fight?"

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now