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"Whoooohooooo!!!" Luffy yelled, raising his glass to everyone. "Banqueeeeeeet!"


Everybody's voices resounded at the same time as we all raised our glasses toward the sky. I couldn't believe he actually made it happen. I had days to comprehend it — weeks, in fact — yet I still couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that after all this time, 6 months and 12 days, I was finally back aboard the Sunny.

I took a swig and then put my mug down so I could throw my arms around Nami and Robin, hugging them tightly as they laughed. Brook put down his cup and began playing his guitar.

Luffy told of our adventures, albeit not too well. He wasn't the best at story telling so I did find myself filling in the gaps here and there.

"Momma J was the best. I thought she was pretty cool, but she was also really smart and it made her scary sometimes!" Luffy said, laughing. "She even caught me snatching some food from her plate. I couldn't believe how quick she was!"

I hadn't heard the entirety of this story yet, so I sat there listening, my head in my hand as he raved about how awesome my mother was. It sounded just like my mom, pinching the skin on his hand to catch him stealing. I chuckled, thinking back to how much she had freaked him out that day.

   "And she kicked a guy's ass who was almost twice her size!" He said, jumping up to stretch super tall. He must be talking about Max. Knowing my mom, she probably really did kick his ass like she claimed.

"You're mom seems so SUUUUUPERRR!" Franky said, quickly adding. "Wish I had gotten to know her!"

"She definitely was quite the woman from what I could see, Yohohoho!"

    "So wait, you did all this stuff in two days?!" Nami said, taken aback.

    "Oh no! There was a... uh.... Mystery time thingy. We were there for 12 whole days!"

    "WHAAAAAAAT?!" They all exclaimed. Even Zoro was shocked.

    Luffy closed his eyes and nodded. Everybody listened fervently to his stories, completely flabbergasted by how much he actually had to talk about.

   "But the best thing of all were the J burgers!" Luffy said, drooling a little.

"What the Hell are J burgers?" Sanji asked.

"Ohhhh you are gonna be so excited, Luffy!" I exclaimed, lunging at one of my bags we brought back. I pulled out a large lunchbox — I'm talking huge. Inside was the specially mixed and seasoned ground meat they would make J burgers. "Mine aren't as good, so I had momma prep a bunch so everybody could try the originals."

Luffy got stars in his eyes and started drooling profusely. "Sanji, you gotta cook those things now! Oooohhhh I can already taste them!" He said, licking his lips.

"What's so good about these burgers?" Sanji said, jumping up.

"You gotta just try them and see. I'll tell you how she makes them later. It is NOT what you'd expect!" I said, smiling. Sanji took the meat to go make the patties and cook them while we all continued to talk.

"Hey, stray, looks like you got scrawny again." Zoro said, nudging me and leaning toward my ear. "Good to have you back, Misaki." He grinning, punching me lightly on the shoulder.

"Good to be back, Mosshead."

"Now why you gotta call me that?!" He growled.

"You called me a stray!"

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now