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    I could really skip the nitty gritty parts of the following conversation. I told them I was not supposed to be here and had no way of even beginning to know how to get home. No sense in telling them that I was from a different universe or that they were SUPPOSED to be made up characters. Really no sense in it. They told me that I could travel with them until I figured out what to do. Which was nice. They were just as nice and accommodating as I thought they would be. But I had no big expectations here. After all, for all I knew, this was just a dream.

Nami and Robin showed me around. I kind of hesitated when we got to the bathroom. And they said I was welcome to it and that they would bring me clothes. I thanked them and took them up on it. But really, I was just really curious as to what I looked like. If I was in the same gear as when I was feeding my horse, I knew that I probably looked a little rough around the edges. After all, it was winter. Didn't feel like winter here though, and I was really overheated. In fact, the times didn't add up at all. It was June or July here.

I walked into the bathroom and pulled my coat off. I stopped at the mirror and looked in awe. My medium length hair already had short layers in it but it looked more dramatic in 2D, becoming more wavy and framing my face over my more pronounced cheek bones. It was crazy how my blond hair was so shiny and wavy. I was thinner, though not as thin as Nami, and my chest and butt stood out way more. My cheeks flushed at my own reflection. I looked like I aged backwards as well. My blue eyes shown brighter than normal as I huffed at myself.

I thought about how this could possibly work. Was the writer of this manga calling the shots? Or did he somehow have a way to peak into this universe? Did he tweak anything? Was it all just coincidence?

I continued to disrobe and grabbed a hairbrush. After rinsing off in the shower, I took a good long soak in the enormous bathtub they had. Sure enough, the clothes were at the door by the time I got out.

   "Oh no... I can't wear this!" A short pair of shorts and a bikini top. Tears of embarrassment pricked in my eyes. I took the shorts and put my sweater back on. I'm sorry Nami, I just can't wear that.

     I didn't have a lot of expectations going into this, but a shirt certainly would have been nice. Especially with a simp like Sanji nearby.

   As soon as I left the bathroom, I was greeted by a shiningly bright smile.

   "Hey there M'! How ya holdin up?" Luffy said, waving his hand at me as if I were farther than two feet from him. He gave me a big toothy grin.

   "Oh I... um" I look down nervously. I truly was not used to people smiling at me like that. "I am doing pretty good! That bathtub is amazing"

   "Just wait til you try sanji's cooking" He said, chuckling to himself "You'll think you died and went to heaven"

Maybe I am dead... though the thought of good food seems too amazing to pass up.

    "It sounds like you're a fan of his cooking"

    "Well he is the ship's cook after all!"

    "You guys are so hospitable. Are you sure you are pirates?" I jab at him. He chuckled. I have no expectations here. I can't possibly. After all, I know this man has no interest in women thanks to Oda... so why am I blushing as we talk? His smile was so infectious, and he was standing so close to me that it made even my ears feel hot.

     "Well we can't call you our friend until we have all shared a meal. Sanji said it's about ready so come on!" Luffy grabbed me by the wrist and started running toward the dining room.

     "L-Luffy hang on!" I whimpered as he forced me to run with all my might. When we got to the dining room, I felt weak in the knees, puffing heavily as I tried to catch my breath. I never realized how big the Sunny was until now. I also never needed to know just how fast Luffy was at base speed. "That run sucked" you breathed and he laughed. Then the smell hit you. The most wonderful aroma you had ever smelled in your life.

      "You will forgive me when you get some food. Sanjiiiiiii" and with that, Sanji came fluttering out of the kitchen with plates of the most scrumptious looking dishes you have ever seen. 

      No expectations

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      No expectations. I feel myself being plopped into the seat next to Luffy as a bundle of voices sang "Thank you for the meal!".

As everybody started digging in, I looked at my plate. Man, that looks good. I could hear everybody eating around me and all I could do was stare. I don't have any expectations for this. It could all be a dream after all. I went to take a bite of my food, but before I could get it on my fork, it disappeared. I automatically knew the culprit, and instinctively grabbed Luffy by the ear.

   "Hey, what gives??" I said, annoyed.

Luffy kept chewing and without missing a beat, responded "Oh sorry! You were taking so long, I thought you wanted help eating it."

     "Nice excuse but can you do me a favor and steal from someone else?"

     "But everybody else stabs me with a fork!"

     "I'll give you whatever I don't eat if you don't try and steal while I'm eating." Luffy kept chewing. I could see the wheels turning as he snatched another bite from someone else's plate, eliciting an exasperated grunt from the crew.

     "Deal!" He said as he popped another bite in his mouth.

     I sighed. Now time to see if this is real. I took a bite, knowing that I couldn't possibly imagine the incredible taste that would soon fill my taste buds if this were a figment of my imagination. Tears started streaming down my face. The entire dining room grew silent, aside from the sound of Luffy chewing. This is... real.....

     I scooped up a few more bites as tears continued to stream down my face. I could hear my breath start to catch. I shoved more food in my mouth to stifle the hiccups and sobs.
I'm stuck on a notorious pirate ship with no way home. I have no idea what to do next. I have no idea what to do. I have no idea if I can get home. And even if I could, I have no idea how.

 And even if I could, I have no idea how

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     I have zero expectations

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now