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My eyes opened up to a wonderful sight. I was laying on top of Luffy, snuggled underneath a blanket. He was still snoring away, like nothing in the world could wake him up. I smiled as I laid my cheek down on his chest, letting it smush a little. He's so handsome. I can't believe how handsome he is.

   The rattle in his chest should have disturbed me, but it was actually trying desperately to lull me back to sleep. Night two went a lot smoother than the first night. The trial jitters had all but gone. Luffy especially seemed way more sure of himself than he was the night before.

    There was something different about the way he was looking at me yesterday. After I woke up from my haki induced nap, he was especially sweet and loving, making my heart swell and giving me butterflies in my stomach. It was weird, but in a good way. Something about the way our eyes met, or the way his face softened just got my goat. Maybe I really impressed him while I was sparring. It was the best I had ever done, after all.

   Luffy's hand came to rest on the small of my back, giving me the chills. It was like a shift occurred. I just have no idea what it is. His snoring was disrupted for a moment as he hummed happily. I chuckled, figuring he was dreaming about meat.

   "Mmmm. Misakiiii." He sang, making me blush. Oh, it's about me!

   His hand tightened, pulling me closer to him as butterflies danced happily around my stomach. I smiled and closed my eyes, reveling in my own feelings. This is amazing. I really liked waking up with him there. I always did, but the idea of it happening every day just brought the feeling to a whole new level.

"Forever." He muttered, making my heart skip a beat. Is he still dreaming about me?

I looked at him curiously as his other hand came up and hugged me tighter into his chest, wondering what he could be thinking. He was so assured and confident last night. It was night and day compared to the first one. His confidence was a real boost to my own self esteem too. It was like the way he looked at me made me feel prettier and stronger, and way more deserving of his attention than ever before. That was definitely a feeling I wanted to hang on to.

"Hey. You awake, M'?"

I opened my eyes to see Luffy grinning at me, his head tilting as he took a deep breath. I didn't even notice he had stopped snoring. I smiled at him, pressing my cheek further into his chest.

"What were you dreaming about?" I asked, sweetly, despite already knowing the answer.

"Nothing much. Just the only girl in the universe I will ever fall for." He said softly, giving me chills.

"Oh man, I hope she's willing to share you, cause I'm kinda getting used to this." I teased.

He tapped his fingers on my back and closed his eyes as he snickered at me. "I was talking about you, silly."

"Ohhhh!" I teased, blushing a little. "What about me?"

"I um..." he hesitated, sitting up a little. "Just about me and you."

He wasn't lying, but he certainly was withholding something. I tilted my head, frowning a little.

"What? Was it something bad?"

"Not at all." He said, cracking a grin.

"So why are you being cryptic?"


"Why so secretive?"

"It was a very good dream, Misaki." He said, pulling my face up to kiss me on the lips. "Very good." He repeated, swooning a little as his lips met mine again.

And there it was again. That extra sweetness. That extra softness in his grip. That extra long breath as his lips met mine. It was exhilarating, and beautiful. My mind couldn't help but go blank as he continued to kiss me ever so sweetly. I felt like I was literally melting away. I wanted to ask where this sudden shift occurred, but I didn't know if he even realized he was doing it. Regardless, it was so incredibly nice.

    When he pulled away and laid back, I sighed heavily and happily. I rested my cheek back on his chest and let my eyes flutter shut as I listened to his heart beat loudly in my ear.

   "I love you," I whispered, eliciting a happy skip in his heart.

   "Love you too." He whispered back.

  "You hungry, Lu?" I asked, not moving from my spot.

   "Mistress meat can wait a little longer." He teased, his hand rubbing my back lightly.

    "Well shit, that makes me feel special." I muttered, feeling myself falling asleep as I spoke.


   "That's cause you are." Luffy said softly. He waited for a response, still rubbing her back gently. "Misaki?" He was met with a soft snore, making him chuckle. Guess she needs to sleep longer.

It never bothered him that she needed to sleep longer than him. For someone as impatient as he was, it was perplexing to him how he could just lay there for sometimes hours, waiting for her to wake up. He would always let his mind wander, all while reveling in the softness of her hair, or the quietness of her cute little snore. It didn't feel like he ever waited that long, despite knowing it was probably a couple hours sometimes. He just knew how happy it made her to wake up with him still there. He liked it too. The way her lips would curl into a smile. The way she would sigh happily and nuzzle closer to him. The honey that would drip from her voice as she spoke. Her sleepy eyes that fought to stay open... He didn't just like it. He loved it. It never got old.

   He thought about his dream as he laid there. He thought about his conversation with Momma J. He hoped he hadn't said too much in his sleep but there was really no telling. Taking it one step at a time was what was most important. They all still had goals to move toward after all, and he still hadn't figured out what Misaki's was. Maybe she hadn't either.

    Regardless, he felt very secure and happy with everything between him and Misaki. They really had been through thick and thin together.

    He knew the journey was only going to get rougher, and he was glad that she was progressing in her training. Their next true destination in the New World, after all was harrowing and fraught with danger. Just the idea of it gave him goosebumps. He was so ready for it.... His hand stopped moving on Misaki's back. I just hope she is too.

It was a little concerning, what Hancock said. But then Misaki proved that she had the guts to carry on, despite falling short on their brawl. Luffy trusted that she could handle it. If she kept proving the way she was, after all, she was going to be able to protect herself a lot better.

   But first and foremost, they had to get Misaki's mom back home — and make sure she was safe. She was the utmost first priority. Momma J was not meant for this world. Despite being a firecracker and being strong in spirit, she was at ground zero when it came to strength and durability. But Luffy wasn't worried. He knew they could protect her — especially if it was just for a short time.

   His mind jumped back to Misaki for a moment. She had so much trust in him and his crew. She, in fact, adapted to their intense and crazy antics almost immediately. It was almost like she was meant to be in this world. She took to it, the good and the bad, very well. Her mother, on the other hand, seemed a lot more startled whenever they would display their strength. He wondered what he could do to make Momma J more comfortable.

A grin poked up on his face. He knew exactly what he had to do. It was time to show Mama J what living on the Sunny was all about.

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