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"Those burgers were SUUUUUPEEEEER GOOD!" Frankly said, patting his stomach. Luffy and I sat there, are bellies extended — his WAY more than mine — and sighed in agreement.

"I said J Burgers were just the base and they could be made better, but man, Sanji, you really outdid yourself!"

"I wish Mamma J could try these!" Luffy said, sighing happily again. "I'm soooo full!"

   "I wish too." I whined. "Momma would have gotten along so great with everybody."

   "She was the best thing about that reality." Luffy said, smiling.

"You got that right, Luffy!"

"She does sound pretty great. I can't believe how much you guys look alike!" Sanji said, offering me a drink. I gladly took it.

"Oh certainly. Her beauty was bone chilling, Yohohoho!" Brook said. I frowned and closed my eyes. An image flashed in my head from the other night. I can't blame myself, thinking it was my mom at first.

"Her eyes though! They were such a pretty light green!" Chopper said.

"Yeah, if it weren't for those eyes, you could totally mix her and Misaki up." Usopp said.

Those eyes. My eyebrow twitched. Seeing my own eyes glaring up at me was the most gut wrenching thing about that dream.

"I could never mix up those two!" Luffy said.

"Please, Luffy, you got Kaku and Usopp mixed up just cause of their noses." Nami said.

"Kaku?" Luffy said, tilting his head.

"The giraffe." Zoro said, swigging some sake.

"Ohhhhh!" Luffy said "that guyyyy! Yeah, I was just messing with Usopp!"

"I knew it!" Usopp said, jumping up.

"But nah, I could never mix those two up!" Luffy said, laughing.

I did though.

"If I wasn't me, I might mix us up!" I chimed in, trying to match the energy. Everybody laughed except for Luffy, who looked at me seriously.

"I would never." He said again, this time way more serious.

"Oh yeah? Why not?" I teased, playfully pinching the skin on his arm and stretching it a little.

"Cause I wouldn't!" Luffy said, a little annoyed now. I tilted my head.

  "Now you got me curious. Is there a reason you wouldn't mix us up?"

  "I dunno. Instinct. You're just two different people!" He said, scratching his head.

"Just say it's cause you love her, moron!" Nami said, popping Luffy on the back of the head.

"Well that's part of it!" Luffy said, grinning at me. I couldn't help but smile back.

Just then, Zoro stood up, alert. Luffy stood up too, almost suddenly looking thin again. Man, wish I burned fat like that.

"Someone's here." Luffy said, striding to the edge of the Sunny. He peered over the railing and smiled. "Heyyyyy! Traffyyyyyyyy!"

I gulped, realizing that a certain Trafalgar Law was about to come on board. I had never met Law in person, but I really liked him on the show. Like really liked him. Big time fan. I pulled my scarf up over my nose, trying to hide the fact that I was blushing. Usopp took note, leaning toward me a little and furrowing his brow.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now