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    I leaned against the railing of the Sunny as I looked at the new island before us. At the port was an enormous town, much akin to the sheer size of Loguetown, which I had only witnessed through the show. I was so excited, I was literally bouncing as I stared on. The wind rushed through my hair, making me laugh.

   "Looks like this town is gonna be fun!" Luffy marveled, making me grin.

   "We haven't been to a big city in a while!" Franky said.

   "Well, we gotta start getting back on track" Nami added. "But we will need a lot of supplies first."

   "Sorry bout that." I said, scratching my cheek.

   "Don't be sorry!" The entire crew yelled at me, making me laugh.

   "At least I know I'm loved!"


    When the Sunny docked, Zoro jumped off of the deck and looked up. He started walking off when he heard Luffy shout. He turned around and his eye widened as his mouth shot open in shock.


    Misaki had leapt clear off the Sunny, her hands in the air as she laughed out loud

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    Misaki had leapt clear off the Sunny, her hands in the air as she laughed out loud. Zoro ran in her direction. Dumbass! That's way too high for you to jump! Misaki stopped laughing and locked eyes with Zoro as he ran to catch her. She grinned and put her hand out to stop him.

"Zoro! What the HELL?!" Luffy yelled, leaping from the deck. Misaki laughed again and landed perfectly, almost as if she were as light as a feather. Zoro raised his eyebrows in surprise. She said she had trained while on the island, but it was only for a day. What kind of training did she do?! Before this, a fall like that could have killed her. Or at least injured her. But she didn't even falter when she landed.

Luffy ran up to Misaki, looking her over both worried and a little curious. Zoro was curious too.

"Are you hurt?!" Luffy asked. Misaki shook her head and laughed.

"Oh my God, you guys should have seen the look on your faces! Man, what a rush!"

Suddenly, both Luffy and Zoro were incredibly unamused. They made faces at her as she poked them both on the forehead and started walking off. Luffy and Zoro exchanged glances before quickly following her. She was being far too confident and reckless for their liking.

Meanwhile, everybody just looked on from the ship in shock and horror, wondering what the Hell had gotten into her. And how in the world she landed that jump. What even just happened?


"Misaki, wait up!" Zoro said, Luffy hot on his heels.

"You guys hurry up!" I laughed.

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