Just a little fun

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"Psst. Misaki. Are you awake?"

I pinched my eyes together for a moment, wishing he would just let me lay there a little longer. We were all piled on top of and around each other, and the sun had not even had a chance to peak over the horizon. I could feel Luffy's mischievous energy emanating from behind me and internally groaned. I swear to God, Lu, if you start poking me.




   I turned to glare at him and he was smiling softly at me. It was hard to be mad at such a cute little smile. Especially since I caught it getting a little bigger as we locked eyes. Little things like that always made me want to swoon at him.

   "Come raid the kitchen with me." He whispered. I grinned back, still feeling a little buzzed from the night before. Food would actually be good.

    We carefully stepped around everybody before heading into the dining room. Luffy turned the lights on but quickly dimmed them out a little. Must be a little too much for him too. We both stopped in our tracks as we crossed into the kitchen. No wayyyy.

    For the first time ever — and I mean ever — Sanji forgot to relock the fridge. Luffy immediately B-lined for it, snagging a piece of meat that was barely seared off and immediately chomping down on it.

    "You're a monster." I giggled.

    "Iths good! Wanth thsome?" He said, his mouth completely full.

    "I'm good, enjoy." I said as he quickly consumed the rest.

      I definitely felt more into sweets, peering in the fridge for some fruit before stopping short. Inside were two cakes. One was already broken into, so I immediately got a plate and cut myself a slice, ignoring the other one in its entirety. It was a chocolate cake, with a fluffy icing that looked light and airy. I grabbed some strawberries to go with it and sat on the counter, digging in.

   "Ooooh, what's that?" Luffy said, downing some water and licking his lips.

    "Delicious." I chimed, snatching a fork full and bringing it toward his mouth. He took the bite gratefully and his eyes widened.

   "It's so yummy!" He said, his smile widening. "Needs milk. Do you want milk?"

   "Absolutely!" I said, taking another bite and snagging a strawberry. Milk, chocolate and strawberries? Absolutely.

    He pulled out milk and some whipped cream and poured us some handing me a glass, which I chugged a little too fervently. When I set it down, I brought a strawberry up to Luffy's lips and he took a bite, only leaving the bit of green at the end for me to set aside.

    "Those are just right too... oh." Luffy grinned, leaning forward and swiping the top of my lip with his thumb. "You have a little somethin."

   I grinned, swiping a little icing and plopping it on his nose. "Now you do too." I said, grabbing his face and pulling it toward me so I could lick the bit of icing off.

   Luffy blushed and pulled away as I let go, snatching a little icing and dolloping it on my lip.

  "Don't move, I'll just." He leaned forward, his hand on my thigh as he kissed me gently, stealing the icing off of my lips. He then smacked his lips dramatically and leaned away, taking a breath."So much better like that." He swooned.

   "Yeah? Let me test that out." I said, grabbing more than just icing — cake and all — and making sure to smear it on him as he tried to catch it in his mouth.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now