The Next Morning

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     My eyebrows furrowed as the sun began to paint the sky with light. I whined and nestled tighter into the crook of his neck. I could feel my muscles aching from sleeping on the hard surface, but I wasn't ready to get up yet. Sanji was going to be up soon though, which meant my time alone with Luffy was running out. I felt him tap on my arm and hum at me.

    "M'. It's time to get up, ok?"

     "Five more minutes." I groaned.

      "It'll feel better if that five minutes is spent on a bed, M'. I promise."

       I groaned and begrudgingly sat up.  I rubbed my eyes and yawned. Looking at the ray of sunshine smiling back at me, I wondered how he could be so cheerful after an entire night of not sleeping. "Need food first" I grumbled.

      "Ohhh you said it, Misaki. Let's go raid the fridge. Wait, damn, he put a lock on it. Let's go harass Sanji!"

      "Oh man, here we go."

Sanji was not pleased to get harassed but once he knew Ms. Misaki-san was hungry, then he absolutely had to oblige in feeding us. We scarfed down the food shamelessly like savages, finishing up just as everybody else piled in for breakfast. I knew Luffy could have eaten more but he excused himself when I did. I had a very simple plan next. Time to sleep on a bed.

Every time I have ever spent the night chatting with Luffy, I would always eat and go back to bed. Maybe that was lazy of me, but damn — I was so tired. I certainly needed way more sleep than everyone else. Except Zoro, that is — who could be found sleeping throughout the day in various places.

      I didn't realize Luffy followed me back to my room until he startled me when he spoke suddenly.

"So you really were planning on going back to bed. Which bed is yours?"

"I uhm. That one is." I stammered. Why the Hell is he here?

"I see I see." Luffy strode over and patted my bed. He got visibly excited as he patted it. "Woah! The girl beds are so soft! I can't believe you slept on the captains seat when you could have slept here!" He chimed excitedly. I blushed. Had nothing to do with the company I had but ok.

"Well" I said. "Give it a spin, Luffy" I grinned as he took not a single moment of hesitation before leaping onto the bed. He snuggled into my array of pillows and let out a sound of content. I giggled at his cuteness. "Alright, now get out so I can sleep — HEY WAIT A SECOND" That little shit was asleep!!!

Just like that, my fantasy of a nice cozy siesta was out the window. I really should have seen it coming, but it still sucked for me. I was exhausted after all. I could sleep on Robin's bed. I don't think she would mind. As I turned to get into Robin's bed, I felt something grasp at my shoulder. I looked over, my eyes widening with bewilderment. Luffy's arm outstretched, grabbing me in the process. Oh no. It snapped back full force, slamming me into my bed with him. Owwww that sucked.

I froze as I realized his arms were wrapped around me, squeezing me into his chest, his head snuggling on top of my head. He hadn't started snoring yet, instead breathing deeply. I envied someone who could sleep so soundly so quickly. Though, as I thought about that, I noticed my own eyes getting heavy. It was like his breathing was lulling me to sleep. I felt so warm and safe and.... and....

"Oh my! Misaki... what are you up to?" My eyes fluttered open to the familiar soothing voice of Robin. I looked up groggily at her.

"Oh, hey Robin." I yawned, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. "What's up?"

Robin stifled a giggle. "You look like you've been busy, Misaki."

I yawned again, still not comprehending what she was getting at. I began to stretch when suddenly I felt his grip tighten underneath my chest. And around my hips... I froze, a chill going up my spine. Luffy nuzzled in closer to me, his arms and legs wrapped tight around me. He hummed with content, making my whole face go pale. I looked back up at Robin, pleadingly.

    "Do you mind keeping everyone out of here?" I said, heat pricking at my cheeks as she giggled. "I just need to wake him up and get him out of here."

"Is that all you have planned?" Robin poked fun at me.

"Robiiiin. It's not like thaaat. He just kinda grabbed me in his sleep and I couldn't escape!"

"Oh I believe you." she said with a mischievous grin. "I'll give you two some privacy."

"Robiiiin. Ugh damn it, she's gone." I reached down to luffy's wrists and attempted to pry them off of me. His grasp tightened though and he nuzzled into my neck, making my stomach do a flip. My face was getting really hot. "Come on, Luffy, you gotta let go of me." I muttered, trying in vain to pull his arms off of me. I could hear him snoring and muttering to himself as I tried to squirm away from him, to no avail. This is so not good. I really didn't want him to wake up like this. I sighed.

      "Luffyyyyyy, someone just got on the ship with a bunch of MEAT!" I sang.

      "Wha— meat?" I heard him mutter. I sighed.

      "Good, you are awake. Now can you let go of me? Please?"

       It took Luffy a second to fully understand what was going on. The silence in the room was deafening. Slowly, he removed his arms and legs from me. We both sat up, facing each other. Luffy cleared his throat.

     "So erm. Guess I fell asleep...."


     "And uhh"

     "You grabbed me in your sleep.."


    Luffy pursed his lips, obviously at a loss as to how to handle this situation. He got up from the bed and walked over to my scarf, sitting on the dresser. Picking it up, he walked over to me, avoiding eye contact, and planted it around my neck. I looked up at him, a little confused by his action.

      "Guess you don't have a reason not to wear this now, though. Right?" He asked, grinning at me with that toothy grin. "Unless this pissed you off, that is" he added sheepishly.

      "Not at all." I said reassuringly.

      "Ok. Well, I'm gonna go find out about that meat then."

     Well he is gonna be disappointed.


When everybody had gathered for dinner that night, it was clear that there had been a subtle shift in dynamics. I was wearing my scarf, and Luffy and I were joking back-and-forth. Zoro still seemed quiet but still pretty much the same. After dinner, Luffy pulled me aside yet again.

"Misaki, I want to ask you something."

"What is it, Luffy?"

"I want you to become a part of my crew!"

"What?" I said, breathless. A million things flooded through my head as I stopped in my tracks. "Why would you ask me that?"

"Well, because you basically already are!" He said, smiling at me. "I've already decided that's what I want. So what do you say?"

I reeled for a moment. So many things I could say in this moment. But there were very clear boundaries I needed to put up at this very instance. I opened my mouth and said one, jarring word. "No."

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now