Playing catch up

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Luffy swooped me up into his arms, kissing me as he walked to the door. He paused at the door and grinned against me, pulling away just for a moment.

  "How much you wanna bet they all got their ears pressed to the door. Aside from maybe Zoro."

  "I think if I bet against that, I would end up poor." I whispered, chuckling as he threw the door open, sending more than half the crew flying backwards.

   Luffy chuckled and looked at me again. "I wouldn't have bet money." He said, his eyes squinting as he snickered. Oh my.

   Luffy looked back at the crew and they jumped up, asking a million questions before he even had a chance to answer one. Luffy ignored them and started walking toward the girl's room.

   "Where are you going, Luffy?" Nami said.

   "I'm going to go play catch up with Misaki." He said, his face completely serious. I couldn't help but blush at his forwardness "No disruptions this time, k, Franky?"

   "Sorry Captain!" Franky said, scratching the back of his head.

   "Wait a second. Catch up?! What does that mean?! Where are you going to do that?!" Nami said. I flinched as Luffy turned around to face her. He grinned.

   "I'm going to go pamper my partner. Because she had to go through Hell. I'm going to do it in her room, in her bed. Don't disturb us. Captain's orders."

  My face was beyond red. Nami's too. In fact, the entire crew was blushing, even Zoro. Luffy was not playing around.

   "You go, Captain!" Zoro said, making me internally combust. This is so embarassing. Luffy propped me into one arm as I buried my face in his shoulder, I could tell he lifted his other hand to give a thumbs up.

  "L-Luffy! Why the girl's room?!" Nami yelled.

   "Captain's orders!" Luffy echoed.

   I peaked just in time to see Robin put her hand on Nami's shoulder and shake her head, telling her it wasn't worth the fight. Sorry guys. I don't really have a choice here.

When we got into the girl's room, Luffy immediately locked the door behind us. I was afraid I was going to have a heart attack, with how much my heart was pounding. Luffy kissed me as he slowly walked us to my bed. He sat down with me in his lap and pulled away for a second.

  "I have a question."


  "Do you still have all that stuff from the other world?" He said, kissing me again.

   "Stuff?" I asked, tilting my head as he pulled away.

   "I don't.... I don't wanna hold back." Luffy said, kissing me again. Goosebumps rose all over my body as I figured out what he meant.

  "Luffy, I —."

  "—please? Just for tonight. I won't ask again."

   I bit my lip. Part of me wanted to say no. But every other part of me was feeling stupid. Luffy started kissing me more, picking me up and laying me flat on my bed. He moved to kissing my neck, his hands collecting the bottom of my shirt.

   "Please?" He said again.

   He slowly pulled my shirt off of me and threw it onto the floor. He kissed down my torso, tracing between my breasts and gently kissing all of my scars. My breathing got sharper as he trailed circles around the edge of my hips, pulling down my pants as he went. As he pulled my pants off, he kissed and nipped at my thighs, making me jump and open my legs.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now