The Helmsman

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I muttered to myself as the ship rocked heavily against the sea. It was far tougher than usual — the edges of the room tilting and lifting with the waves. I was still pretty groggy, but I could hear the wood groaning as the sea pounded against the Sunny. I forced my eyes open and blinked, my eyelids feeling incredibly heavy from the drugs that Chopper had administered. This was day 5 of Chopper sedating me so that I didn't try and train with stitches in.

     But it seemed that he was not coming in to sedate me this time. Instead, I felt the Sunny tilt enough to wake me fully, as I started rolling out of bed. I desperately grasped at the infirmary bed, only for the sheets to slip right off the bed with me as a resounding thud echoed through the room.

   "Owwwww." I exclaimed, pushing myself up. I sat on the floor for a moment and picked up my left arm, gently twisting it to get a glimpse of the stitches. I still couldn't see very well, and found myself counting the stitches with my fingers. I grinned as I realized there were only three. Way to go, Chopper!

I could hear a commotion coming from outside and meandered outside. My eyes widened in shock at the scene before me. Waves towered over the Sunny as the hardest downpour I had ever witnessed was raining down onto the deck. Hail pelted me as I walked out. Luffy and Usopp were in the midst of furling the sails while Jimbei manned the helm. Nami shot past me and stopped in her tracks.

"What are you doing out of the infirmary?!" She exclaimed.

"I, uh... what can I do?!" I yelled back. My voice was barely audible.

"You can go back inside! We got this!"

"The Hell? That's crap!" I sneered, my hands balling up into fists.

"You were just hurt! Stay safe inside!"

"No! You guys could use me somewhere!" I sniped, walking myself further onto the deck. The wind was so intense, it nearly knocked me off of my feet.

   "Misaki, stop!" Nami yelled.

I could barely hear anyone. A wave hit and I stumbled against Jimbei, who was at the helm.

"Misaki! What are you doing outside?!" Jimbei said as he put out a hand to steady me.

"Where do you need me?" I yelled. He hesitated as another wave hit.

"There is another big wave coming. I'm going to have to take this ship through the green room."

"Like IN THE WAVE?!" I yelled. He nodded.

"I need you to tell Luffy and the others to unfurl the sales and bring me the ropes."

I nodded and went to walk off when he grabbed me.

"Just the mizzenmasts though! We will unfurl the main mast once we are inside! Or else it will rip in these winds!"

"Got it!"

I ran to the main mast and hollered up to Luffy and Usopp, then grabbed Franky and Chopper to take the ropes to Jimbei. Once everything was all set, I grabbed onto the railing to brace myself.

I could feel the Sunny begin to tip, and looked up to see a wave towering high above even the tallest point of the ship. My heart dropped as I heard the wood creak beneath my feet. I glanced back at Jimbei, who seemed calm as could be. His quiet determination calmed my nerves as the Sunny tipped even more and the foreboding wave crashed around us on all sides, and the main mast came unfurled.

Being inside the tube was the most beautiful and surreal experience of my life, while still being incredibly terrifying.

The sound of water crashing never ceased, yet it was oddly quiet, and serene. Despite the sky being so dark, bits of light sparkled through the water, turning it a brilliant green.

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