Move out, Move on

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  As Kid slunk off, ignoring my call to him, I could feel righteous indignation building up inside.

   "Man. What's his problem?" Luffy said, chuckling.

   "His problem?! What's your problem?!" I said, breaking away from his embrace so I could look at him.

   "Jeez, now what's your problem?" He said, his eyebrows furrowed

   "Why'd you do that?!" I spat, throwing my hands up for a second.

   "Do what? Be affectionate?" He said, a little more annoyed now. I laughed at him.

   "That's not what that was! You held me like a bag of meat! Like something you wanted to be sure people knew was yours."

   "I did not!" He said, puckering his lips and averting his eyes.

   "Don't lie to me, Luffy! I was right there!"

   "Fine! I did it because he was hitting on you, ok? And don't you dare tell me he wasn't!"

   "Luffy, we are partners! You don't own me!" I snapped, making him grit his teeth.

   "I know that!" He said.

   "You could have fooled me with that possessive shit just now!"

    "Do you wanna know how I know he was hitting on you?"

    "He wasn't—!"

    "Because you gave him the same look of rejection you give Zoro when you feel bad for him!"

   "He saved my life, Lu! I think he deserves a little bit of respect—!"

   "I was being respectful! I gave him a ride on my damned ship for fuck's sake!" He snapped making me flinch. I had never heard him drop the f bomb quite like that before. "So excuse me if I get a little tiny bit annoyed when he is hitting on my partner!"

   "He wasn't hitting on me! I was prying about why he wasn't joining in until he finally made a comment about me being dense! So I looked at him like that. Because he was trying to be respectful and I was prying."

   Luffy took a step back, letting the words sink in.

   "He was being respectful. As respectful as Eustace Kid could possibly be. I sought him out. I barked up that tree! And I owe it to him to at least let him get some closure."


"And if you trust me, you'll know I'm not gonna pull any sketchy shit, right?"

"Of course I trust you!"

"And you know I won't let him kiss me?!" I sniped, knowing that would be the next thing out of his mouth.

"Well I know you wouldn't want him to—."

   "So then, the least you could do right now is BUTT OUT." I said, making him wince.

   "I'll go apologize." He muttered, looking away from me.

   "No! Butt out! I'm gonna go find him and talk to him. Leave us alone, ok?" I snapped, making him grimace and look further away.

    I sighed and stepped forward, hugging him. His arms wrapped around me and he let out a shaky breath. I squeezed him.

   "I'm sorry I got mad." I murmured.

   "I'm sorry I got possessive." He said softly.

   "I love you. I hope you know that, Lu."

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now