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   Writers note: for those that don't follow me, I am writing a one shot series called "in another reality". There will be one shots with character ships and readers and a small over arcing story for a different Misaki in a different reality — expanding on ships and expanding the relationships from this story — the Misaki from this story is in a relationship, where as the other one is not so she can be a little more um... you know haha. It will be fun. First chapter is out. Go check it out!

I paused at the door of the girl's room, softly chuckling to myself before making my way inside. A panicked shuffle resounded through the room as I looked at Nami, who was hiding something on her bed. I peered around her curiously.

  "Nami? What's that?" I questioned, craning my head to look around her.

   "N-nothing!" Nami stammered. I looked at her and grinned.

  "You know, lying only makes me more curious."

   Nami sighed and pulled out the tattered red piece of felt. I gasp stuck in my throat.

   "I didn't want you to see it like this." Nami muttered.

   "I... I can't believe it." I muttered, a tear dropping from my eye. "I thought it got lost in the sea."

   "Jimbei found it... that night..." she said sadly. I put out my hands and she gently placed it in them. A small pout was forming on her face as she looked at me. "I'm surprised nobody has mentioned it yet."

   "Well, we've all been pretty distracted." I mumbled.

   I looked at the tattered scarlet scarf that laid in my hands. The felt had stretched and torn through the center in a couple spots. Felt mostly repelled water, but in the raging salt water, it had fully soaked through, leaving it open to water damage. It made it unwind, the wool fibers loosening and the fibers tangling in a way it wasn't supposed to. Not only that but, most likely from the run in with the sea king, it was tattered along the edges as well. I sighed heavily, looking at my tattered treasure.

   "I'm working on fixing it the best I can. I want it to look as pretty as it used to but... it might... not be exactly the same after this."

   I bit my lip, looking at the poor tired piece of fabric. "How do you plan to do that?"

   "Well, first I removed the gold patches that I could. I just finished pulling all the debris from it and carefully washed the salt water out. The next thing I have to do is freeze it and buy some wool that's the same color."

   "Wait, you're gonna freeze it?" I asked, tilting my head. She nodded.

   "That's the best way to get the fibers to get their elasticity back. So long as it's dried in a sealed bag. Then I have to take the new fiber and felt it back into the old fiber. Then I'll have to respect the patches and remake the ones that didn't make it. Usopp will help me when we get to that part." She bit her lip and looked away. "Until then, though... I'm sorry it got so beat up."

    I smiled at her, tears welling up in my eyes. "I'm just glad it's not lost forever." I said. She looked back at me, her eyes widening ever so slightly. "Also, I wanna help. If I can."

   "Of course, Misaki." She muttered. I carefully laid the scarf flat on the top of the dresser and sat next to her. "We should be docking at a new island soon. That's where we will get the material." I cut her off, giving her the biggest hug I could muster. "Misaki?"

"I just wanted to thank you for everything. I understand if we can't fix it. Promise."

   " know we will always love you" she muttered, wrapping her arms around me and giving me a squeeze. We sighed and moved away from each other. Nami squinted at me and tilted her head. "Misaki? You look a little freaked."

   "Oh? You noticed, huh?" I smiled nervously.

   "What's going on?"

   "What's your position on babies on a pirate ship?" I asked nervously. I was genuinely curious. My question backfired, however, as Nami threw her hands over her face and gasped, spooking me off the bed as I spun around to stare at her.

   "Are you—?!"

   "—NO!" I threw my hands up, and then shushed her. "Absolutely NOT!"

  Nami placed her hand on her heart and sighed. "Don't scare me like that."

  "Gonna be honest, you scared me." I lamented.I sat down on my bed across from her and grimaced. "No... but Luffy kinda put the idea in my head of what I might want in the future." Nami looked at me skeptically and I added "Far future."

   "And Luffy asked you about it?"

   "The topic somehow came about by accident."

   "Well, I know Bege did it, but I have no idea what's going on with them right now." She said, tapping her chin. "I guess I don't really have an opinion."

   "Hm." I hummed, kicking my legs. "Guess I just don't have enough information."

   "And Luffy asked you?"

   "Yeah, I was shocked too." I laughed. Actually, he scared the shit out of me.

   "That's so wild." She chimed.

   "I haven't even thought of that stuff. I can't believe he has." I agreed. "He has no idea what goes into kids though. I'm gonna avoid that topic for a long time."

   "I'm getting worried this conversation is gonna jinx you." Nami said. I laughed, still kicking my feet.

   "Good point. Let's never bring this up again." I laughed. She smiled and knocked on wood jokingly. I threw a pillow at her and she laughed.

   "Hey... did I tell you yet?" I said, jumping up and opening my drawer. I pulled out the devil fruit I had earned on the island, making Nami gasp.

"Is that a devil fruit?!" Nami exclaimed. I smiled and spun it in my hand.

"That's right! No idea what kind though." I hummed.

"Are you... gonna eat it?"

"That's the thing." I frowned. "I have no idea. I really don't wanna be stuck with some lame power and not be able to swim anymore."

"Well I can see why that's a concern for you, considering what just happened."

"But if it's a good one, then I might be able to keep up a little better."

"Are you really worried about that?" Nami said, raising her eyebrows at me. "You're way stronger than I am."

"Yeah, I can't make lightning rain down on people, Nami." I said, rolling my eyes. "I'm just sitting here with subpar haki and the most frail body out of everybody here."

"Well I'm kind of frail." Nami hummed, averting her eyes. "Maybe you just need to develop your haki better."

"That's why I haven't made a decision yet." I sighed, putting the devil fruit back in the drawer. "I also want to do some research. Maybe see if I can figure out what this one is before I do anything with it."

   "Well you definitely seem to be thinking it through thoroughly enough." Nami chimed.

   "Just gotta wait and see."

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now