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I gave my horse a pat as he grazed and walked over to sit in my chair. It had been six months now, living in my own reality. I took out my phone and put a violin rendition of bink's sake on my phone. That was the one nice thing about this place — bink's sake still existed. I could even find one that had the sound of waves crashing in the background. I sat back and took a long breath.

I looked at my charm bracelet, making sure to look at every single charm. God, I missed them. Removing myself from society was the best decision I had made here, but the pain of missing them was still unbearable.

    I stuck my nose in my scarf and imagined myself back on the Sunny. The sea breeeze blowing, Luffy calling out my name... I could feel a tear run down my face. I miss you. I imagined myself dancing with Luffy to bink's sake. The feeling of his hands in mine as he jaunted half-hazard-ly across the deck, pulling me along with him. I could feel my bottom lip tremble. I placed a hand on my cheek as I thought about him rubbing his face against mine.

    Appa put his nose against my cheek and nickered. I smiled and scratched his ear. This horse was the only thing that still bound me here. If I didn't have him with me, I felt like I might lose myself to my memories.

    I knew I couldn't keep living like this forever, but I at least felt free in the moment. Living off the land, doing what I wanted, never staying in one place for very long. It felt right. Or at least, I felt more right than I had been feeling.

I still missed the sea, but coming across a boat would have been a lot tougher than just making do with what I had. Besides, I didn't feel right sailing on a boat unless it was the Sunny.

I hated this. Even now, with as free as I was and as happy as I felt, I hated this. What were the odds that the moment I decided to stay, I would get ripped away from everyone? It wasn't fair. How was I supposed to find peace in that?

I thought back to how hard my therapist pushed me to move on. To find other people to bond with and connect with... I really was being honest. After being with such extraordinarily strange and amazing people, I just didn't see any worth in trying to connect with anyone here. Even the friends I had before my time there grew distant in my eyes. It's not that they meant less to me. It was just that I didn't really have anything in common with them anymore.

How crazy was it that such a short time on their ship impacted me so much? I remembered once longing to come back here. What a distant memory that was now!

I didn't bother watching the anime or reading the manga anymore. They were way behind the mark, anyways. Not only that, but they always left a lot out, believe it or not. Hell, it's not like I was in it. That would kill the narrative that this was just a shonen anyways. I still wondered how Oda had as much insight as he did on the world of One Piece. But it really just didn't matter to me anyways. It just made me miss them more when I thought about it too much.

I sat back again and closed my eyes. Every fiber of my being missed them. The feeling wasn't fading in the slightest. I felt my bottom lip tighten as I choked back the tears again. For some reason, today was harder. But, despite that, the peaceful forest and the horse munching happily on grass beside me filled me with peace. I wasn't angry anymore. I wasn't seething. I was just, at peace. Tears began falling silently down my face. Peaceful, but sad.

"Hey, don't cry! Look!"

My eyes snapped back open.

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