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"CHOPPER!" Luffy yelled as I collapsed. I have never felt so incredibly sick in my life than in this very moment. My body was weak and aching, and I felt an intense heat singe at my skin.

Everything was a blur. Chopper came out and ran some tests. When he came back, he seemed perplexed.

"I think she just has an upper respiratory infection. But it doesn't seem like her body is fighting it off. It's like it's never dealt with a sinus infection before."

That's weird. I have definitely had a sinus infection before.

"Sometimes, when people travel to a new place, they can't fight off new bacteria that their bodies haven't fought off yet... but this is a very common infection. I don't understand! It's spreading so fast, she is going to end up with pneumonia"

My stomach dropped suddenly. How could I have been so foolish?

"Luffy" I rasped out. He looked at me, perplexed. I could barely get the words out. How could I get so sick so fast though? My throat burned and my chest hurt. I thought back, wondering if I had any symptoms before that day. "Tell them."

I could tell it took Luffy a minute to understand. I held his gaze, trying to portray what I meant. He then looked over at Chopper.

"M's not from this world."

"WHAAAAAT!?!?!" The entire crew exclaimed.

"What do you mean, Luffy?" Zoro huffed.

"I mean she is not from this world at all. Like a different dimension or somethin like that."

"Oh no! Misaki WHY didn't you tell me!" Chopper cried. I looked at him apologetically "This means you don't have ANY immune system that's geared toward ANY illness here!"

I knew that. I should have known that. My Father is a Doctor, damn it.

       I took a breath in and felt my chest crackle. God, it hurts. I wanted so badly to say I was sorry but when I opened my mouth, I started coughing.

      "DON'T TRY TO TALK! And Luffy, you are the captain. You should have told me too!"

      Luffy stammered for a moment, unsure of what to say to that, before sheepishly muttering "I didn't know something like this could happen... sorry, Chopper... Can you fix this?"

      "I'll do my best to boost her immune system and give her some antibiotics but I don't know how well it will help. Her body may not react like ours do. But I'll do my best!"

        And with that, Chopper went to work. He gave me some herbs that would help break my fever as well as my cough. Then he started making the remedy that would hopefully aid in my recovery. All the while, Luffy sat at my bedside. He tried making faces to get me to smile, but I just couldn't muster the strength. I couldn't believe how fast my energy was waning. One by one, the others came to visit me. All except for Zoro. That hurt a little. I thought we were pretty good friends at this point. I kept looking at the door, waiting for him to come in.

     Luffy followed my gaze every time. He must have figured something was up at this point.

     "Ok, Misaki, I have the medicine right here. I'm going to need to give you a shot. Stay still, ok?"

A shot isn't that bad. I pulled my eyes away from the door, only to see an ENORMOUS needle coming my way. Hold up!!! That is not a shot!!!!

     I start panicking and moving away from chopper. That thing is huge! No way in Hell he is stabbing me with that thing!

    "You have to hold still!" Chopper said "Luffy!"

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now