What's with the...

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I sighed heavily as the sun beat down on me from the windows. Need curtains. My eyes tightened shut as I reached out for Luffy, confused as my hand hit the cot. Eyebrows furrowed, I lazily sat up and looked at the empty space in front of me.


I couldn't remember a single time Luffy had ever left before I woke up. Something pulled in my chest as I looked around. The crow's nest was empty, not a single other person in sight. He really left.

I didn't know how to feel, but I knew it didn't feel very good. He didn't try to wake me, or take me with him. He just left. If I knew he was gonna get up, I would have gone with him. I could feel my heart thunder uncomfortably in my chest. This was different than the happy thudding. It was uneasy, and filled with anxiety. It reminded me of the way I used to get treated by the men in my life. I was sure it wasn't that, but it wasn't like I could tell my body to stop reacting to the familiar scene. Anxiety wasn't something you could just 'make' go away.

As I felt my bottom lip form into a pout, something caught my eye. I scrunched my nose as it tingled and fought back the tears, feeling my throat tense as I did. There was a dish with a top on it, and a little note sitting by the cot. The note had a silly little doodle with a bunch of hearts around it, and the word "EAT" scrawled across the piece of paper. Shit, how could I still be upset with something this cute?

I could imagine him snickering to himself as he drew out the little doodle — a smiley face with a straw hat and a tongue sticking out. He was probably laying on his stomach, kicking his legs freely as he drew it. The hearts were a cute touch too. I didn't think he could be that sappy. Or maybe he just thought I would like it if it were a little more sappy. He wasn't wrong, if that was the case. I felt all swoony even though I was upset. Damn him.

   I pulled the lid off of the plate and couldn't help but chuckle. Crackers with peanut butter and bananas, and a bowl of cereal that Luffy knew I liked with milk on the side so I could pour it in when I was ready. He even put it on a little ice pack to keep it cool. Some of the slices of bananas were too big or too small, with crooked cuts and inconsistent amounts of peanut butter. It was clear that Sanji had nothing to do with this.

    I definitely appreciated the effort on Luffy's part, reaching over to snack on the plate of goods as I tried to quarrel the discomfort in my chest. It was obvious that he meant no harm by leaving the room before I woke up. There was no reason to feel that way at all. And yet...

   I sighed and scarfed the food down a little too fast, choking down the last bite with the last bit of milk in the bottle. I couldn't beat that feeling. As much as I didn't want to admit it, such a simple act was enough to make me feel insecure, and I wanted reassurance.

   I made my way down to the deck and looked around, wondering where Luffy was. As I made my way to the main mast, I felt a tap on my shoulder and spun around.

   "Gah! Luffyyyyy!" I whined, smacking him gently on the chest as he laughed. "You startled me!!!"

   "Sorry sorry! I didn't mean to!" Luffy giggled, grinning widely at me.

   I tilted my head at him, curiosity beginning to stir within me. He was covered in paint of all different colors. Red, yellow, green, and blue. It was smeared on his arms, his hands, all over his clothes, even smeared on his legs. A big yellow splotch was smeared on his cheek, making him look even sillier.

   "I uhhh.... What're you up to?" I said curiously.

   "Don't worry about it!" Luffy grinned mischievously. "You'll find out soon, right, Usopp?"

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now