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    I didn't tell anybody I was coming back. When we arrived, we were all by ourselves. I brought Appa to his pasture and started unpacking the truck and trailer. Luffy was supposed to help, but he wandered off at some point, wanting to stretch his legs after the long journey.

I didn't think he would get into trouble so I just let him go.


   Luffy peaked around the barn, looking at some of the animals. Misaki had mentioned that she had a horse, but she never told him about her other animals. There were a couple more horses in the fields and in the stalls were a couple sheep and a... wait, what is that?

    Luffy hung on the stall door and leaned forward for a closer look.

    "Wooooahhhhh, that bunny is huuuuge!" He exclaimed. That thing must have been half the size of Misaki!  Ok, maybe not that big. But it was pretty giant. It was still nothing like the animals he had seen on his journey, but he was pretty sure she said animals here were a lot smaller. There's more to this world than I thought!

   "That's called a Flemish giant. Ever heard of them?"

   "Nah, I'm not really from around here." Luffy answered. Wait. He froze for a moment before looking over his shoulder. Behind him was a shorter, older version of Misaki, with long blond hair and green eyes instead of blue.  "I uhhh... I'm here with M'."

   "I know. I'm her mother."

   "You guys sure do look alike!" He said, turning to face her. He shot her a big grin as he tried to think about what to say to her.

   "You look familiar." She said, cracking a smile at him. She really couldn't even help it. A smile like that could light up the world.

   "Really? That's weird. I'm Luf— " It was at that moment, that Luffy remembered that he couldn't use his real name. "—reeman. Lou Freeman." He said, cleaning his throat and averting his eyes.

   "That's an interesting name, for sure." Misaki's mom looked at him skeptically. He smiled at her again, unsure where to go from there. "How did meet my daughter?"

   "Hey mom!" Misaki said, slightly higher pitched than normal as she peered around the door. "I didn't know you were here!"

   "My car is in the shop. It's good to see you! I wasn't sure if you were ever coming back!" She said as she turned around to hug Misaki. Luffy frowned, realizing how true that statement almost was.

"Well I'm not staying for long, but do you mind letting us stay for about a week or so?" Misaki said. Misaki's mom looked at Luffy before looking back at her.

"Sure, no problem. So long as I can get to know your boyfriend here." She said. Boyfriend? To be honest, he knew that they should have, but they hadn't really put that label on their relationship. Ok I'm But he wasn't about to try and argue with this woman. Something about her was fierce. It reminded him of Nami and he did not feel like poking a bear.

"Well, I was about to drag him over to help me finish unloading, so you will have to wait."


    "What are you doing, talking to my mother?" I whispered angrily, pinching Luffy's cheek and stretching it a little. "And Lou Freeman?! What kinda name?—"

    "I panicked! I already got to the 'ffff' and had to think quick."

   "I've even been calling you Lou to try and get it to sink in!" I whispered, shaking my head, "I should have known better."

   "I'm sorry, Misaki. I like your mom though! You didn't tell me you guys look so much alike." He said with a snicker. I grit my teeth.

   "Listen to me. Don't you dare spend a single second alone with her!"

   "What, why?"

   "Because she is very perceptive and nosey and you are a terrible liar."

   Luffy rolled his eyes and grunted in response. I smacked him on the chest with the back of my hand, just hard enough to convey how serious I was. "I get it."

I could tell he was frustrated. He was brooding, his bottom lip pursed up into an annoyed pout. I know I had been a little bossy lately, but he didn't seem to mind stuff like that before this. So what's bugging him so much?

"Lu? What's wrong?"

"I don't like lying to your mom." He pouted.

"You have to understand."

"I understand. Incognito. Whatever." He muttered. He huffed and groaned to himself as he picked up my camping gear and brought it to where I was putting everything.

"That's not all of it. Come on. Fess up. What's wrong?" I said, putting my hands on my hips.

"I wanna hang out with her." He lamented.

"Why do you want to?"

"Because neither of us will get to once we leave." Luffy said as he grabbed my luggage. "Where is this going?"

"We can bring it to my room. Follow me." I said as I made my way to the house. I really hadn't thought about the fact that Luffy might want to get to know my family, even if it was just a little bit. I bet there is something we could do that won't be too crazy. Or look too crazy in front of them.

"So this is your room?" Luffy asked.

"Well it was my room. I did have an apartment but since I was gone for so long, they moved in to a different tenant. Which meant I had to live back here in my old room for a while before I went awol."

"Hmm." He sat on my bed. "Your bed on the Sunny is way softer than this one."

"Ugh, I miss that bed." I swooned, sitting next to him. "I can't wait to snuggle up in those pillows again."

Luffy looked at me and grinned. His eyes flitted for a moment. "There you are."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I said, giggling.

Luffy didn't answer me. Instead, he put his hand on my cheek and brushed his lips against mine for a moment. My heart fluttered. "Im sorry it took so long to come get you. I thought a month was a long time. But six?"

"Yeah... I was worried." I admitted.

"Hmm. I wonder if that's all." He hummed. I titled my head at him and he laughed. "I love when you do that."

I giggled as he grabbed me and pulled me into a hug, rubbing his cheek against my face.

"There it is." He swooned.

"There what is?" I asked.

"Nothing." He said, waving his hand at me.

"Hey, Luffy... what if we had a bonfire tonight with my family? Would that be good?" Luffy's smile widened.

"Will there be food?"

"Yes, there will be food." I laughed.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now