Everything will be...

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    I could sense him swooning against my lips as we kissed. His palms were so rough, yet he was so gentle, it made them seem soft. He hummed against me as he pulled me closer, giving me butterflies in my stomach. Nothing could ever compare to this. I was the happiest I had ever been in my life, pulled close in the arms of my partner, my love, my purpose. Every day was like a wonderful dream that I never wanted to wake up from, even when it was bad. Because even when it was bad, I knew one simple truth. So long as I'm with Luffy, everything will be ok.

   Luffy smirked as he nuzzled his nose against mine and reached down to unbuckle my pants. I felt my breath catch as he pulled them off of me.

   "Here?" I breathed.

   "Why not?" He chuckled. "It's still technically my bed." The bed swayed a little as he crawled back up to me and snickered. "Besides, we've never done it here before. Seems like it would be fun."

    "Seems more like it's going to be difficult." I giggled as he climbed on top of me and snickered.

     "Difficult. Fun. Same thing. I like a good challenge." He leaned down and kissed me fervently, making my mind go blank as he stretched up and whispered in my ear. "Besides, I can't wait to go all the way to the Crow's nest. I want you now."

"Fuck, Lu." I breathed as his hand made its way down my body.

He continued to kiss me as I whined into his lips, thoroughly enjoying what he was doing. He reached down and pulled my legs apart, shoving his tongue in my mouth as he slowly entered me. I gasped and reciprocated, fighting him for dominance before submitting to him. My hands made their way to his messy hair, knotting my fingers in it to pull him closer to me.

The bed jolted in the wrong direction, making us both gasp and then giggle. Luffy slowed down and rolled his hips slowly, rhythmically, making the bed swing in more of a circle. He bit my neck as I started to giggle at the bed, grumbling under his breath. His arm wrapped around the small of my back, lifting my hips as he nibbled and licked my chest.

I didn't know if I should be giggling or moaning, but this was far more enjoyable than I thought it was going to be. The way the bed moved made him have to try something new, rocking his hips in a circular motion that just did something to me. I couldn't believe how quickly he was building me up. Just as his hands slipped to my hips, pressing his thumbs to my hips, I lost it. I felt a rough hand go over my mouth as I gasped into it. And, suddenly, Luffy was stretching his hand to the door knob, grabbing it and snapping it shut.

"What the... hello?" A voice spoke on the other side of the door.

"Go away, Sanji!" Luffy choked out, making me freeze. The bed was still moving, making us both go rigid.

"The Hell are you talking about? Let me in!" Sanji said, rattling the door knob.

"Seriously, Sanji! I'm busy!" Luffy growled as the bed continued to sway, making me squirm. "Stop doing that." He muttered.

"Come on, Luffy! I want to go to bed." Sanji grumbled.

Screw this. I pulled Luffy's hand off of my mouth and snapped "S-Sanji! Read the room already! Go pass out on the deck like the rest of the crew!"

"Oh sh— yeah! I'm going!" Sanji said, loudly making his way away from the room.

"Damn, M'!" Luffy exclaimed before crushing his lips back to mine, a loud *click* resounding through the room as he officially locked the door. "Now where were we?"


Luffy took a breath as Misaki kissed him back, wrapping his arms around her and flipping her on top of him. She didn't miss a beat as she immediately started riding him, leaning down to kiss him as his hands made their way from her chest to her hips. The bed wasn't quite as rhythmic at first, forcing her to change things up like he had to. And, God, did it feel good.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now