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With the drama of the early day behind us, the rest of the day was riddled with Luffy hanging off of me everywhere I went. It was clear he was trying to make up for making me upset, but it also felt very genuine.

I thought back to how disingenuous some men could be when they were trying to get on my good side. Past relationships showed that there was usually an end goal when they would love bomb me. Usually it was a way to manipulate me into forgiving them, just so they could turn around and upset me again. Or, they just wanted me to let it go so that they could get sex. But with Luffy, his only goal was to make me feel better. He didn't want me to think so little of myself, and he was determined to prove to me that I was amazing — at least in his eyes. None of it was forced and all of it was honest. Like him.

   "Hey hey. Misaki, guess what tonight is!" Luffy said. I was sitting back in a lawn chair reading and he was rolling around in the grass next to me. He propped himself up on his elbows and rested his head in his hands, his legs kicking lacksadasically as he waited for my reply.

   "The night where legends die?"

    "No, silly." He said, chuckling, his big almond eyes squinting shut.

   "It's a full moon?" I asked, a little more serious this time. I flipped the page to my book as I waited for a reply.

   "Yes! But no!" He answered, chuckling again.

    "What, is there like a comet or something?"

    "Oh man, I wish! You're making my 'guess what' sound laaaame!" Luffy whined, rolling onto his back and throwing his hands up in defeat.

   "Well maybe you should stop trying to make me guess and just tell me!" I laughed. He looked at me upside down and grinned.

   "I'm doing night duty tonight." He said playfully.

I grinned knowingly. To me and Luffy, his guard duty night was basically a date night. Food, drinks, and talking until I fell asleep under the night sky — under the watchful eye of Luffy, who was not allowed to sleep.

    "Wanna join me on the Captain's Seat?" He asked, a grin poking at the corners of his mouth.

"You know it." I said, making him break out in his full bodied sunshine smile.

    "Good!" He said, rolling back onto his stomach and kicking his feet playfully. "We should sneak some extra meat out tonight."

   "Oh boy." The sight of Sanji kicking Luffy across the deck flitted into my mind, making me laugh.

   "What's so funny?" He said, puffing out his cheeks at me.

    "You're totally gonna get caught." I snickered. Luffy grinned at me and put his finger to his lips.

   "That's why you're gonna sneak it out this time." He whispered, giving me a wink.

   "Sorry Lu, I'm not doing your dirty work." I laughed.

   "Oh you're gonna do it." He said confidently.

   "Oh yeah? What's in it for me?"

"Meat!" He said, stars shining in his eyes.

I slammed my book shut and burst out laughing. That was such a literal answer! Luffy's brow furrowed as he snapped out of his meat filled daydream and looked at me.

"What's so funny?"

"That's not what I meant, Luffy!"

"What? I thought that was a pretty good answer!" He said, completely serious.

"Sometimes you can be so innocent!" I laughed, waving a hand at him. "It just throws me for a loop!" Sure, he was dense — but he always managed to be charming about it.

Luffy puffed out his cheeks then laughed. "I don't get it but whatever! So will you do it?"

"I'll see what I can do, Luffy." I said, snickering.


Getting food was way easier for me than it was for Luffy. First off, I was far sneakier with slipping meat in a little shoulder bag I had. Second, I just asked Sanji for more food and he gladly gave me some. Like I said, wayyyy easier.

It took a little longer for some of the crew to hit the hay, namely Usopp and Franky. Usopp was busy tinkering with a new project and Franky was actually doing the same. I couldn't help but rubberneck.

"Whatcha' gearin up for, Franky?" I said, poking my head around him.

"Just a few updates to some of my tech. There's always room for tweaks. That's what keeps me Super!"

"Cool, cool."

"Have you thought about restarting your training, Misaki?" Franky muttered as he focused on a screw.

"Yeah! I actually was going to start tomorrow! I've tried hard to maintain my strength but it's a lot tougher in the other world."

"Makes sense. Luffy said people are pretty weak over there."

"Well, he's not wrong. It was almost like the longer I was there, the harder it got. I felt way more limited there."

"That's really interesting how it could effect you like that. Like, you said you couldn't use haki anymore but Luffy could, right?"

"Yeah, it was crazy weird to be honest. It was like I got warped to fit the reality I was in. I have no idea why Luffy wasn't effected though."

"If anything, it might be worth keeping in mind in case something like this happens again." Franky said. My heart shot into my throat. Again?!

"What do you mean?" I said, almost feeling like I was dazed.

"Well, Franky and I were talking about this the other day!" Usopp chimed in. "The first two times you hopped realities were completely unprompted. Our buddy Kramer the door dude didn't do it at least."

I thought back to Kramer and the conversation I had with him when we got back. He was soft spoken and kind, and didn't seem like the type to use his power unnecessarily. He was adamant that he had not been the one who initially ripped me to and from realities.

"You don't think it will happen again, do you?" I said, my mouth a little dry.

"I mean, even if it does, we have a way to get you back quickly now. We left Kramer with a piece of your vivre card and now he is only a call away." Franky responded.

"I really don't think you are the main concern here." Usopp said, leaning further into his project. "It's more the possibility of others bouncing around."

"I hadn't thought of that." I said, dryly. Anxiety crept up my neck. "I'm gonna be honest, guys. I'd really rather not talk about this."

"Sorry, Misaki!" They both said, frantically. I tilted my head at them, wondering why they had such intense reactions.

"What? Did Luffy tell you guys to watch what you say around me?" Both of them shot up straight, making me sigh. "I'm fine, guys! Really!"

"I'll be honest with you —."

"Honesty?! Well that's a shock!" I exclaimed, making Usopp wave his hand at me.


"Sorry" I giggled.

"No but really. I don't know what happened while you were there, Misaki, but you're home now. There's nothing we can't handle! Ok?!"

I grinned at the two men — both of which were suddenly shooting me a thumbs up. I returned their thumbs up with my own. "Right!"

   I chatted with them a little longer before they decided to call it a night. I waved at them as they headed to bed when suddenly, I felt arms wrap around me. I turned my head, grinning at the impatient love of my life that was standing behind me.

     "You ready?"

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now