Marred Past, Bright Future

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    After a long and very shriek heavy lecture from our ship's doctor, we all piled out of the infirmary laughing our asses off. It was time for breakfast, as well as the slew of questions and odd looks we would be getting at breakfast. Whatever.

    We ate like savage beasts that had been devoid of food for ages. Except we were just rowdy pirates that ate however we felt like eating. And we felt like being savages today.

    After that, it was time for me and Luffy to finish what we started, breaking away from Zoro to head to the study. We sat down and looked at the scarf, which was almost three fourths done at this point. Two more patches, blending, then the Jolly Roger will get replaced by Nami, as well as the gold lacing she had sewn on before would be redesigned to match the new blending. But we had to finish the scarf first.

  BbIt was almost perfect. There may have been a snag or two that couldn't be fixed, but I was just happy that it looked like a scarf again. And it was still soft. That was a big thing for me — to have it be as soft as it always had been.

   Luffy and I started felting the last bit of the scarf, blending the patches as we went. By now, we were getting a lot faster at it.

"Remember when you gave this to me?" I mumbled through the silence. Luffy grinned.

"Like it was yesterday."

"What possessed you to do it?"

"What do you mean? OUCH!" Luffy picked up his finger and sucked on it before looking at me. "I liked you. I noticed you got cold easily. So I got you a scarf."

"That simple, huh?"

"That's right!"

"Really?" I giggled, thinking back to how I threw my arms around him.

"Well... I liked making you smile too. I was hoping I would get you to smile really big."

"Awe! I wish I had gotten you something to make you smile."

"You have!"

"Really? When?!"

"Well you got me ninja toys!"

"I meant before we were together, Lu!"

"Oh! Well... you always helped me steal food before breakfast."

"And lunch."

"And dinner." He chuckled. "Guess that was enough to make me smile."

"You know, this scarf has really been through the wringer, hasn't it?" I said, eyeing it and its scars.

"You've been through the wringer. It's not easy, traveling the grand line. But you've worked so hard to catch up."

"I still have some work to go."

"You'll get there. I believe in you." Luffy said, smiling at me. It made me think of something I had forgotten about — still tucked away in the drawer of my dresser.

"I... I didn't get a chance to tell you yet, actually."

"Tell me what?" Luffy said, putting the felting needle back down.

"I uh... I found a devil fruit."

"Wait — you whaaaaaat?!?!"

"Yeah! I don't know what it does, but I have it, regardless."


"When I was stranded." I said plainly.

"You thinking of eating it?"

"I was leaning toward no, but after that fight with Hancock, I'm starting to consider it."

"Eh, I think if your gut says no then you shouldn't do it." Luffy said, returning to his felting.

"Really? I thought you would be all gung-ho about it!" I said, a little taken aback.

"I'm just saying. Take a little more time to think things over. If your gut says no, then don't ignore it just cause you got beat."

"I... um... well my problem isn't my gut. It's the whole drowning thing."

Luffy put his felting tools down again and looked at me. His eyes were serious. "You thinking of more recent or past?"

"Both." I said, biting my lip. "That bastard really fucked with my mind. But I really thought I was a goner in that storm. I was so scared of drowning, I didn't even think how hard it must have been for Jimbei to try to find me at the surface."

"I don't really like looking to the past." Luffy admitted. "But I understand that the past makes us who we are."

"My past is marred with a lot of pain." I admitted. "But it also has so much love and enjoyment and freedom."

"Yeah, I know."

"You gave me that, you know." I said, making him grin at me. "And all the bad has done is inspire me to get better. I want to stand beside you, not behind you."

Luffy frowned. I overheard the crew talking about what Hancock had said while I was out of it. About how my body was frail. About how dangerous this was for me. About how she would hate to see him lose me. About how everyone would hate to lose me.

"I dunno. Maybe the answer is this devil fruit. I just have to do more research into it."

"I think whatever you decide, we have a bright future, Misaki. I'm gonna protect you if I have to. I promise."

"I have no doubts."

"No more slip ups." He said, furrowing his brow as he looked at my scarf.

"I can handle it, Luffy."

"Hmmm." He said, tapping the table.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, I'm just remembering something."


"Yeah." He looked up at me and smiled. "I just love you so much, you know that?!"

I grinned and blew him a kiss. He cutely pretended to catch it and brought his fingers to his chest, clutching the invisible kiss to his heart.

"God, you're cute." I laughed.

We returned to our felting, stitching the last few loose ends and blending the last few patches. When we finished, we both leaned back and breathed a sigh of relief. I almost wanted to just put it right on, but I knew that Nami needed to add the finishing touches to it. We proudly brought it to her, and she squealed, quickly snatching it and bringing it to the girl's room to put on the finishing touches.

We meandered around the deck for a bit, holding hands as we popped in on all the crew members. By the time we got around to Zoro, Nami came rushing back to us. She presented my scarf, with gold lacing in the pattern of wind curling around over the edges of the scarf. And Luffy's Jolly Roger was right where it belonged. She also added some darker red patterns to help blend the snags we couldn't quite fix. It was beautiful. It was perfect.

    I wrapped it around my neck and sighed happily. It felt good, having the scarf around my neck again. It felt so right. Luffy kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear, making me. "As beautiful as always, Misaki."

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now