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    As a celebration to my getting better, the captain decided to throw a banquet. It was great to get to eat again after three days of only being able to drink warm beverages. I hadn't felt this healthy in a good long time. It made me wonder how long I had actually been sick. At the end of the banquet we all went to the deck to drink and have fun.

    Luffy threw his arm around my shoulders and brought me over to play some games with Usopp and Chopper. A little childish but nothing I couldn't get behind. We all laughed and drank sake and beer until we were red cheeked and grinning ear to ear. I may have gotten some shit from the resident doctor, who felt I should be resting, but I felt fantastic and I certainly was not going to miss out on this.

   I finished up another game with Luffy and them before meandering over to Zoro again. I nudged him with my foot.

   "Oi! Whatcha just sittin round for?" I slurred. Zoro grunted and inched away from my foot, ignoring me. "Didn't ya say all was good tween us? Don't ya go shuttin' me out mosshead". Oops.

    "Who the Hell are ya calling Mosshead??" Zoro said, grinding his teeth at me. I sat down next to him, just close enough to be touching.

    "Oh, sorry. Shithead." I say, taking another swig of sake. I noticed Zoro blush out of the corner of my eye before he retaliated.

    "Liar liar, pants on fire" he said teasingly.

    "Butt munch" I pushed into him.

    "Butt head" he pushed back.

    "Bull-headed Miscreant" I pushed again.

    "Pigheaded Liar"

    "Butt hurt primadona!"

    "Why you... you...." Zoro stutters, grinding his teeth before grinning.

    "Say it"

    "Hopeless lovesick —"

     I smacked my hand over his mouth as he chuckled at me. That was a low blow.

     "See?" He said through my hand.

     "You're an ass" I hissed, turning his head to face me so he could look me in the eye. He smiled under my hand, not a care in the world, his arms crossed as he sat crisscrossed.

      "You wouldn't have it any other way" he said as I removed my hand from his mouth.

       I sighed and looked back at the now drunken brawl that Sanji, Luffy and Usopp were now in. We chuckled at their antics and watched on, still leaning against each other. My eyes started fluttering. I felt myself lean more on Zoro and he grunted. Next thing I knew, I was asleep.

     And the next next thing I knew, I was in a hammock. Wait, a hammock? Where am I? I sat up a little too quickly and BAM!!!

     "Owwwww" Ugh. Now I'm on the floor. I rubbed my head and looked up to see Zoro, looking over his shoulder as he was pulling his shirt over his shoulders. My jaw dropped. The muscles on his back rippled as he continued to take his shirt off.

 The muscles on his back rippled as he continued to take his shirt off

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      "Oh, you're awake." He said cooly. I tried to reply and stuttered. I am still way too drunk to deal with anything like this. He threw his shirt to the ground and turned to face me. His chest and Abs rippled as he approached me and kneeled down.  I finally got out one word.

     "Why?" I said, not understanding why I was in the crow's nest at that moment, especially with a half naked Zoro.

     "Nami and Robin were sprawled across all three beds. So I brought you here" He slurred, reaching out with a hand to help me up. "The guys t'k up the guys room too. I j's want'd ya to be warm s' ya don get sick again." He pulled me up on my feet — just when a big wave hit, making us both stumble around before landing my back against the wall. Zoro stood with his hands on either side of me, bracing so he didn't fall over too.

   "Owwww" I said as I grasped my neck. With the fall off the hammock and the bash against the wall, I was not feeling so hot. As I rubbed my neck, I felt the tips of Zoro's fingers brush against mine. Suddenly, I realized just how dangerously close we were.

     Something flitted in Zoro's eye as he looked at my neck then back at me. My hand dropped down to his chest, almost as a way to hold him off. His thumb moved softly up and down the side of my neck, making me relax a little. He looked back at my neck and put both hands up against my jaw, stretching my chin up. I stifled a gasp as he edged just a little closer. His breathing was deep but it quickened a little as mine did. What is HAPPENING right now?

     "Zoro-" I whispered, not sure where to go from there as he leaned closer, meeting my gaze again as if asking a question. He tilted his head, a simple Hm? Escaping from his throat as he closed the distance a little more. Heart thumping out of my chest, I gave in, threading my fingers through his hair as he leaned in and brushed his lips against mine. His hot breath traced down my jaw and toward my neck. I felt a deep pit of yearning in my stomach that I had no idea was there for this man.

    I gasped as his strong arm wrapped around the small of my back, pulling me closer. He pushed my chin up with his thumb again and started gently nibbling at my neck. I dropped my hand from his hair to his shoulder, my other hand still resting powerlessly on his chest. My breath caught as he softly nuzzled my neck. My whole body was hot and totally under his control. He continued kissing down my collarbone toward my chest. Then, he stopped. I whined as he brought both hands back up to my face and looked me in the eye, searching.

    "Too much?" He mumbled.

    "Hardly," I breathed. My body ached for him to keep going. He then moved closer to my lips, his hot breath just barely touching them. My breath hitched again as I felt his lips brush my own, but never actually meet them. He then winced and sighed.

     "You're really drunk"

     "That's da pot callin da kettle blaack". I slurred. Shit, I am drunk. Zoro took his hands off of my face, confusing me. "Heyy, I didn't say we had to stop, Zoro!" I complained.

      "Yes we do."

      "Ya can't start somethin like that and then nut'tin after that." I whined.

      "Sure can" he said. He then left my side as I pouted. I sunk down to the ground with my arms crossed. Partly because I couldn't stand on my own but partly because I wanted him to know I was mad. He came back over with a blanket and a pillow.

     "Heyyy, you aren't gonna make me sleep down here are ya?" I complained.

      "Sure are." He grinned as I pouted again. "Or else ya may fall off the hammock again." He laughed when I stuck my tongue out at him.

    "Sides, I know who you really like, and it certainly ain't me. So once you are sober you are gonna be glad it didn't go any farther."

       "How forward thinkin of ya" I murmured, still annoyed. It's not like anything was going to happen with Luffy. And Damn, that was hot as Hell. I wanted more. But maybe he was right, and this was just my drunk-self being too erratic. I looked up to see Zoro lounging comfortably on the hammock, smiling back at me. I huffed at him and angrily threw the blanket over myself. The moment my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now