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    I feel like... I'm dying. I forced my eyes open as the canteen was pressed against my lips again. This time, it was coconut water again. I held it in my mouth for a minute before swallowing. I missed real water. It was real water the last time. I was so incredibly thirsty. My whole body was writhing in pain, and I was so incredibly cold.

This kind of cold was on a whole new level. I could feel the heat of the sand and the warmth of the feathery cover, but my actual body felt frozen. A deep freeze coming from the inside and working it's way out. It was like it was acting as a barrier, working to keep the cold in and the heat out. I was bone chillingly cold.

I could tell he was going to leave me. As he began to shift away, I found myself clinging weakly to his arm. His skin was so warm to the touch. I grimaced as I looked up at him. The sun cast a shadow from him, hiding his face.

"Don't leave me." I whined, barely audible.

"I have to."

No. Say I'm here. Say you'll stay.

"I... I'm scared." I squeaked out.

He froze as I shifted my hand over to grasp at his palm. He closed his hand over mine and huffed. This isn't Luffy. His hand is too big. I tried to remember where I was, and who I was with. I felt so disoriented and weak. It really didn't matter who I was with at that moment. My thinking was incredibly simple. I didn't want to die all by myself.

"I am here." He said quietly, making me relax. I closed my eyes as he set me back down in the sand and pulled the cover up to my chin. "But I need my hand." He added.

"Mmmm" I hummed in acknowledgment. It wasn't like I had the strength to keep hanging on anyways. I let my arms relax, making it easy for him to remove his hand. He left it there for a moment before pulling it away.

"I'm here." He echoed. I huffed softly through my nose, before drifting off to sleep again.


Kid watched her carefully, waiting for her face to relax before standing up and looking back at the fog. He was going to have to hurry. He felt a little bad that he lied to her, but he didn't want her to panic while he was gone either.

He headed back in, making sure to go in the direction that he found the brook. This time, he noticed more herbs on his way, and made sure to grab them. He got all the way to the Brook with no sign of any mirage. He was glad. They were distracting enough as it was. He filled the canteen and turned to leave.

"That's still not enough." Luffy said, startling Kid and making him drop the canteen.

"Fuck. What else do you want me to do?" Kid said, refilling the canteen.

"Why do you want to save her?" Luffy said, picking his nose.

"Because I do." Kid said. He looked at the herbs he had found and figured he would keep going for a while. Maybe there was something else out there.

"You're wasting all this effort and she probably is just gonna die." Luffy said, throwing his hands behind his head.

"You take that back!" Kid said, grabbing him by the collar. Wait a second. How can I touch him?!

Luffy smirked at him. "Ooooh, why so aggressive? You're the one thinking it."

"I don't want her to die!"

"Well then you better hurry and figure out why." Luffy said, getting more serious.

"What does the 'why' have to do with any of this?" Kid growled.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now