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    "Ok, so this is a lot harder than I thought it was gonna be." Nami said.

    "I'll say." I muttered.

    We were detangling and rewearing the wool of my scarf. It was painstakingly hard, and looked like we were still going to have to sew patches in certain spots that got overstretched and too thin. But we were determined to get it to at least a reasonable state. So determined, in fact, that it was bleeding into night duty with Luffy.

    I knew he would understand, but I still missed being able to spend time with him. It felt like it had been far too long since our last night watch date. It almost hurt, being so close yet so far at the same time.

   "You can head out if you want to." Nami mumbled. "I know where you really wanna be."

   "No, it's my scarf, I should play a part in fixing it, after all." I muttered.

   My neck hurt from craning my head over the project. My back hurt from leaning over it. My fingertips hurt from the needle felting that I was working on. I wasn't the most tactful with needles, and kept stabbing myself. Good thing the fabric is red.

   "Ok, well I need a break. My neck is killing me." Nami finally said after another half hour passed. She sat up and sighed, leaning back and stretching her neck out.

   "Me too." I sighed, mirroring her movements.

    "I'll take over for a bit." Robin said, carefully transferring the scarf to her bed.

   "So what else did you guys do today?" Nami asked.

   "Uhhhh." Oh shit.

   "I'm actually curious what you all were up to when I walked out of the aquarium earlier." Robin remarked, making me sit up straight and rigid.

    "Oh?" Nami said, looking at Robin. Robin continued to focus on the scarf, squinting a little as she thought about how to respond.

   "They all fell to the ground like they got caught with their hands in the cookie jar."

   "'They all' meaniiiiing?"

    "Luffy, Misaki, and Zoro." She muttered.

    "Oh, you've got my interest!" Nami said, looking back at me. I could feel my face getting a little red.

    "We were just being a little dumb." I said, trying to look nonchalant. "We were so drunk we could barely stand. That's all."

"That's not the energy I gooot." Robin teased, her eyebrows raising as she continued to eye the scarf.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Nami said, looking between me and Robin.

I looked away and shrugged, not sure how to respond. And that's when Nami leaned forward, grabbing the collar of my shirt and yanking me closer to her.

"N-Nami?" I stuttered. She was squinting at me unflinchingly.

"What the Hell is that?!" She said, brushing my hair out of the way. Wait a second. "Is that a... is that a hickey?!" She yelled.

Next thing I knew, Nami had jumped up and snatched my hair, bundling it up to reveal the back of my neck, which apparently had marks all over it.

"I've never seen Luffy leave a hickey on you!" She said, making me blush. Robin's head snapped up, suddenly curious.

"He has definitely left hickeys on me before."

"On the back of your neck?!"

"Come to think of it," Robin began, "I'm pretty sure when they fell over, Zoro was behind Misaki."

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now