Day 1

427 19 14

     Luffy looked at her. She looked different. Her hair was longer and it was messy from being outside. Her clothes weren't perfect either, going more for comfort and less for looks. But of course, her scarf still sat loosely around her neck. And of course, she looked different in the other way, but he couldn't figure out what to call it. But it was her. It was Misaki.


    Before he could get another word out, she was yelling at him. Man, she thinks too much. He rolled his eyes at her, answering her to the best of his ability before he couldn't take it anymore. This was not the way he wanted their first interaction in a month to be.

   "Shut up!" He said, pulling her into a kiss. His heart skipped a beat as she jumped into his arms and he couldn't help but spin her around. God, even here, she was so beautiful.

   "I missed you." She whispered. Hearing those words were like music to his ears. He wanted to keep kissing her, but he knew they had to talk first. Not only that, but he had to know what all these gadgets were.


"What's that?"

"That is a truck"

"And what's that?"

"That's a trailer for moving my horse."

"And what's this?" He said, holding up my phone.

"That's kind of like the transponder snail of this world. It's called a phone."

"And it plays music too? Like a music box?"

"That's right!" And videos and all other sorts of stuff.

"SOOOO COOOOOL!" Luffy yelled. I laughed at his excitement. I honestly didn't think about all of these things and how cool they might seem to a pirate from the East Blue.

"That's not even the best part. My Truck can play music too!"

"No way! How?!"

"Have some patience, Luffy! We are going to be in the truck for a long time!" Luffy puffed out his cheeks at me and sat crossed crossed on the ground.

"But I wanna see now though!" He whined.

"Why don't you help me pack everything up instead? I gotta take this temporary fencing down and put everything in the truck!"

Luffy groaned but he reluctantly got up and began helping me pack everything into the truck.

"If it's going to be longer than two days, why can't we relax for a little while?"

"On the off chance I'm wrong about the timing of things, we need to have him back home so someone can take care of him. And that means—"

"—yeah yeah, I got you. Pack the things in the truck."

As soon as we finished packing everything up, I loaded up Appa and we hopped in the truck. I turned the key and Luffy gasped as the radio came on, playing an old rock song. I turned the volume knob so that the music came out louder, making Luffy grin.

"That's so cooooool!" He yelled.

I laughed and started driving.

    As we drove down the highway, I started to regret showing Luffy how to use the radio. He couldn't pick a station, and kept listening to half of a song before flitting to a different one.

   "Luffy PLEASE just pick a station already!"

   "I just don't know any of these songs!" Luffy said, frustrated. "Are all your songs sang like this?"

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now