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Warm. It's so warm. I wondered if all that really happened. Maybe it was a dream. For a moment, it really did feel like we were about to.... It's so warm. Hot actually. Super hot. I feel like I'm gonna start sweating.

Just then, the arms around my chest tightened. At the same time, the arms around my stomach tightened too. My eyes snapped open. Luffy was snuggled up against me, his head just under my chin. And I would recognize those other arms anywhere. Zoro was plastered against my back. His nose dug right into the nape of my neck, his hot breath rushing down my body. I was joking about the cuddle puddle.

I tried to move, but they were anchored in so tight, their grasp only tightening against me as I tried to escape. I looked around. At least nobody is around still.

  Their body heat was so hot, I felt like I was about to start sweating. I squirmed a little, trying to loosen their grips on me. Both of them sighed and nuzzled into my neck on either side, making my stomach do a flip. A nuzzle turned into a kiss, which turned into sucking and lightly grazing against my skin. From both of them. Holy shit holy shit holy shit.

    I tried squirming again, but that only seemed to make things worse. Luffy's hand started slipping down between my legs while Zoro's came to rest on my hip. Their other arms still held tight against me, keeping me in position.

    Luffy caressed me, while Zoro squeezed and released my hip, making me move into Luffy's hand. All the while, they were still nuzzling my neck. I couldn't help but let a soft moan slip out of my lips. That only fueled the fire, as now both of their hands were moving around me, touching and caressing me everywhere.

    My face was so red. My heart was beating so hard. My skin was jumping, on fire from all the soft touches. The amount of pressure that was building was incredibly intense. I whined softly and wiggled to try and relieve some of the pressure, pressing my thighs together. But Luffy's hand was still there, and he wiggled his fingers into me, making me clamp my legs harder together. Wait wait wait hang on. Fuck, this feels so good but...

    I knew all I had to do was say something and they would stop in their tracks. But it felt so good. Too good. I didn't want them to stop.

    My breathing got more erratic as their hands continued to move around my body. Luffy's touch was light, while Zoro's touch was heavy and firm. Both together was a whole new sensation altogether.

   I felt Zoro's hands reach up and squeeze my chest while Luffy pulled at my hip and played with me. Luffy kissed up my jawline as I squirmed against them and met his lips with mine, right as I lost it. I moaned into his lips as their hands got more aggressive, sending me to a new plane of existence. Luffy kept playing with me, keeping my orgasm going longer as Zoro continued to caress me and suck on the back of my neck. I couldn't stop shuddering, convulsing. My heart rammed into my chest like a wild beast, even as the pressure subsided.

   Luffy moved back to my neck, intending to start all over again. But now that my head was clear, this needed to stop. I could feel how turned on both of them were, and call me crazy, but I did not want to see what would happen if I let them keep going. At this rate, with how jealous Luffy could get, I was surprised he didn't freak out yet.

   "Guys." I muttered, making them both groan.

    They let go of me and rolled over onto their backs, still groaning about me stopping them.

   "Sorry." I laughed, sitting up and stretching. Despite sleeping on the ground, I felt great. Gee, I wonder why?

   "Party pooper." Luffy muttered. I looked at him, shocked that he would say that.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now