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"Pssst... Luffy. Luffyyyyy. Wake up!" A few whispers that led into a smack on the head was enough to startle Luffy awake. He had his arms around Misaki, who was buried in his chest, sound asleep. She was snoring ever so lightly, making Luffy crack a grin. It was the first time he had heard her quiet little snore since before the battle. He rubbed his cheek on her head, slightly overwhelmed by her cuteness.

"Excuse me!" Nami angry whispered. Oh yeah, that's why I'm awake. "It's bedtime, Luffy. It's time for you to get out."

Luffy looked longingly at Misaki. She was so peaceful and happy and most importantly asleep. He didn't want to wake her up. She needed to rest after all.

    "Namiiii. I can't move! Misaki is sleeping so soundly. I'll wake her up!" Luffy whispered, hoping Nami would understand.

    "Look, I want Misaki to get better more than anyone, but if she wakes up, she will understand I just want to sleep without you snoring away next to us."

    Just then, Misaki nestled in deeper into Luffy's embrace. Luffy stretched his head over to Nami so they could make eye contact. His eyes conveyed exactly what he wanted to convey. You are gonna have to drag me out of here. Robin giggled softly as Nami sighed.

     "One night." Nami muttered. Luffy grinned, letting his head snap back in place before snuggling down to fall back asleep to Misaki's light little snore.


    The next morning, I woke up blissfully nestled in Luffy's arms. He was still snoring away but held me tightly, as if trying to protect me from the world. I was surprised he was still there. Nami really wasn't a fan of letting the boys stay in the girl's room. But, nonetheless, I was happy. I wished it could be like this every night. I was so warm and tingly and I could have stayed that way forever if it weren't for the fact that I was starving.

       To be honest, I was pretty surprised Luffy wasn't already up and pestering me to get up with him. He normally would only sleep for a fraction the amount of time as me. In fact, I couldn't remember a single time where I woke up and he wasn't already awake. I thought back to how he was sleeping in a chair, half on the infirmary bed and wondered if he had been doing that every day. I'm sure sleeping in a soft warm bed was exactly what he needed too.

     It definitely gave me pause when it came to waking him up. I felt like he needed as much sleep as I did, but I knew he wouldn't want to miss breakfast either. I asked the empty room if there was anybody there. When I got no answer, I kissed his chest and wriggled in his arms a little so I could stretch up to his neck.

     "Luffyyy." I sang as I kissed him on the neck. His snoring ceased for a moment only to fire back up. I kissed his jawline and nibbled on his ear, making him mumble something. I pecked back down his jawline and nuzzled into his neck. Now he was grumbling, not quite awake yet. I nibbled at his collarbone and suddenly felt myself get squeezed tighter into him. My eyes got wide as I realized I gave him morning wood. Oops.

    "Just a little longer."  Luffy mumbled, pulling me in so tight I couldn't breathe. Nope. Gotta breathe. Now, Luffy. This time, I bit him just hard enough to startle him awake. "Owww, what the Hell?!"

    "Morning, sleepyhead." I swooned, acting as if I never bit him in the first place.

     A low grunt came from Luffy's throat. God, it was sexy. I kissed him gently at the crook of his neck, making him shudder. "Misaki, behave." He chided. But I didn't want to. I kept kissing and grazing along his collarbone, neck and jawline, making him mutter to himself, cursing under his breath.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now