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"Luffy, what was that?" Misaki muttered.

"What was what?" He said, tilting his head. Misaki's face flushed a brilliant red.

"Before he came in." She said, her eyes darting away before meeting his again. Oh. That.

"Well... I dunno... I just..." Luffy started. He wanted to blurt out how he felt about her, but he stopped himself, snapping his mouth shut again. This is a lot harder than I thought. He bit his lip, glancing around the room before finally muttering an I'm sorry.

"I don't want you to be sorry." She said, her eyes drawing up to meet his. His heart wouldn't stop pounding in his ears. It took him everything in his power not to started bouncing around the room. Luffy sat down, a little harder than he meant to. His eyes drew down to her hands, which were clenched against the bench, before looking back up into her eyes.

"You're not upset?" He asked, glancing down to her lips before meeting her gaze again.

"Not at all." She said, her hands starting to lift up toward him before flinching back toward her lap. Luffy noticed her lips were parted, and her hands were clasped together into her lap, as if she was trying to hold herself down. You don't have to do that, Misaki. When he looked back up, he noticed her hair was in her face again. This time, he let the urge win, brushing the hair out of her face, then letting his hand take control as it ran through her hair. He played with the tips of her hair and she took a sharp breath in, refusing to release it. Why is she so cute? He could feel how hot his face was getting, but he was already too far in. She let the old breath out shakily as he leaned closer, making him pause.

   "M'? You're shaking." He said softly, pulling away to look at her. She snatched his shirt, making him blush as she averted her eyes. Her face was so red, he thought she might catch fire.

   "Come back." She whined.

   How could two little words feel so powerful? Luffy felt his face hit a whole new level of red. Burning all the way to his forehead. How could I ever say no to that? Luffy held his breath for a moment before reaching up to grab her face with both hands. He tilted his head and slowly brought their lips together.

    Misaki's lips were soft and supple. The sweet scent of strawberries filled his head, making him swoon. Suddenly, it all came rushing back, like a flash flood.

    M'! Yeah that works!

   Can I... can I tell you something?
   Hit me with it!

   You have a horsey?!

   Misaki, I got you something.

   She's sick!

   I don't want you guys to kiss.

   Then fix it!


  Have you ever kissed anybody else? Other than Zoro?

  Apparently, it wasn't the right timing.

  Oh no! Misaki! Don't cry!

  Do you wanna kiss?

Everything except us.

   It smells like... strawberries.

   Was this ok?

   I'll never love her! Ever!

   Misaki, I'm sorry!
   You hurt me!
   I didn't mean to!
   What can I do?!
   You can take me home! To my world!

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