Party it up like a Straw Hat

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From music, to food, to booze, we were all having the time of our lives. I danced around the deck, snatching up anybody from my mom, to Nami and Robin, to Usopp and Sanji, eventually landing on Luffy, who quickly danced me around the deck, bouncing as he went. Chopper came out of the infirmary and put his hooves up, making us all pause.

"Oh my God the little reindeer is still here! Yay!!!" Mom squealed, running up and picking him up, spinning him around as she hugged him.

"The name is Chopper, Momma J!" He said, laughing as she spun him.

"Ohhhh Chopper! You're just so cute!" She squealed, making us all laugh.

"I'm not cute! I'm a strong pirate!" He said, squirming away from her and sighing. "I hate to do this to you, Momma J, but it's really important that I give you an immune boosting shot sooner rather than later."

"Oh. Well a shot isn't too bad!" Oh no.

   "Yeah, so just kneel down and we will just—"

   "—Woah woah woah!" My mom's eyes widened as she backed up a little. "That needle is huge! Can't you use a smaller one?!"

  "Well that's the thing, this needs to go deeper—"

   "—yeah, no thanks!" She said, backing away with a sickeningly sweet smile.

   "Mom, you gotta get the shot. I'm sorry." I said, wincing.

    "You're one to talk! You put up a huge fight every time!" Luffy sniped.

    "Shhhhh! Luffy!" I hissed.

   "Speaking of which, Misaki, you're due for one too." Chopper muttered, making a chill go up my spine.

    "You've got to be kidding me." I whined.

    "And here you are telling me I have to get one." My mom chided, waving her finger at me.

    I wasn't listening, getting that prickly feeling I get, I glanced around suspiciously. I could tell that Zoro and Luffy were inching closer to me. Son of a bitch.

   My mom turned around and hit Chopper with her patented motherly glare, making him take a step back. "I said no thanks."

   "You guys better get her first." I warned. "Cause I'm gonna be a bitch to pin down."

   Luffy lunged for me and I leapt over him, taking off in the other direction. Meanwhile, my mom was holding off Chopper with nothing but a withering stare. Robin came over and put her hand on her shoulder.

   "Momma J, we just want you to be safe from disease here. It's a necessary thing, and it sucks, but please don't make us force you down like Misaki does."

    I could see her whip her head around to look at me as I dodged past Sanji, making him curse under his breath.

   "Misaki! Don't be such a pain!"

   "I will be a pain out of spite!" I echoed, dodging Zoro and Brook.

    Robin shook her head and crossed her arms, attempting to grab me from the deck. But my observation haki had gotten to be too good, and I dodged it flawlessly, laughing as I went.


    "My! She sure has gotten fast!" Jean said.

    "She really has." Nami said. "I used to try to help, but some of us just can't keep up with her speed anymore."

     "Momma Jean? Is it ok if I just give you the shot?" Chopper said.

     "I'd really rather not." She winced before sighing. "But I don't think I can fight people like you."

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