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      Luffy meandered from store to store, wondering what he could possibly get for Misaki. Momma J just HAD to say I had a present for her. I don't! Oh man...

    He stopped at a handmade clothing store and tilted his head. Ironically, what caught his eye didn't strike him as something he would get for Misaki. It was a little silk scarf — the kind that was used for style instead of warmth — and it was light green, almost identical to Momma's eyes. He reached over and grabbed the end of the scarf, looking at it thoughtfully.

   "Can I help you?" A lady behind the counter is merrily.

    "Uh, yeah." Luffy said, smiling. "You see..."


    "Long time, no see, Misaki." A chilling and familiar voice crept up on me as if reaching out from the shadows themselves. I turned around, my face as confident as it could be, letting a small smirk take hold as I found my confidence.

 I turned around, my face as confident as it could be, letting a small smirk take hold as I found my confidence

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"Well well well, if it isn't good 'ole Richard."

"Excuse me?" The man said, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh. My mistake." I said, my grin widening. "That's too dignified a name. You're just plain 'ole Dick Chodely." I said, making him curse under his breath.

"I suggest you watch your mouth, wench." He sneered. I laughed.

"So... you made it to the other side." I said, trying not to let my confidence wane. "The question is why the Hell are you here? In front of me."

"Because I intend to use you to the fullest extent."


"Ok ok, so you're telling me you want to marry this girl, but you don't want her to know yet, so you want to get her something to distract her from that?"

"Kind of... yeah... I guess so. I just keep almost slipping up, so her mom made it sound like I had a gift for her instead."

"Well my question is... if you know you want to marry her, why keep her out of the loop?"


"Why not now? What's stopping you?"

Luffy thought for a moment as he continued to meander around the store. He looked at the clerk and took a breath. "Goals."


"Dreams... goals... you know... I want to wait until I've got it all covered."

"And what are your goals?"

Luffy gave her a hearty grin, putting his hands on his hips as he declared. "I'm going to be king of the pirates!"

"Sounds like that could take a while." She said, making Luffy shrug. There was no shortcut to becoming the king of pirates after all.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now