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      Over the next few days, I felt myself coming in and out of consciousness. And I was so weak, I didn't even flinch when I got my immune shot. That worried most of the crew, especially Luffy and Zoro. Even when I was at my absolute weakest, prior to this, I always fought against those. I felt a lot of pressure in my abdomen at one point. I remember hearing someone cry. Though I couldn't make out who, I had a feeling I knew who it was.

      It's hard to piece together, but I'm pretty sure I underwent another surgery. The pressure in my abdomen kept growing and then the next thing I knew, it was almost like it went away completely. But there was definite new pain. I wondered if I had a bleed? I was still too weak to open my eyes.

    I remember a deep crackling feeling in my chest at one point too. I noticed an increase in frequency when it came to shots. Probably an infection. I never really did find out exactly all that I went through in the span of time that I was out of it. Nobody really offered me the information, as it was a bit of a sore subject. And I never really wanted to ask anyways.

    After what felt like an eternity, I found myself taking a deep breath in, and opening my eyes for the very first time.

     I blinked as I viewed the inside of the infirmary. I am way too familiar with this room. Luffy was there, his hand over mine. His head laid heavily beside me as he slept. I twisted my hand around so I could grasp his, and his head shot up in shock. He looked at his hand and then back at me. His eyes welled up with tears.

     "Misaki! You're awake!" He exclaimed.

     "Hey." I said weakly. "Guess I got shot, huh?"

     "How are you feeling? Are you in any pain?" Luffy asked urgently, tears beginning to spill out now. I shook my head.

     "I'm a little uncomfortable, but whatever chopper has me on seems to be doing fine." I said softly. Luffy looked disheveled. His shirt was wrinkled and his hair was messier than usual. His eyes were puffy and a little snot was dried up under his nose, like he had been crying a lot. "You look like you've been through Hell." I said meekly. "More so than me." Luffy shook his head.

      "Misaki! I am so sorry."

     "Don't be. It wasn't your fault."

      "If I had been paying better attention."

      "Yeah, but you weren't because of me." I retorted. You are not taking the blame for this.

      "Don't be like that! Things happen! It's nobody's fault!"

      "You're right. Which is why there is no reason for you to apologize."

      Luffy pursed his lips. I had him there. I didn't want him blaming himself for this, by any means. "I'm still sorry. About the other stuff." He then relented. "I didn't want to hurt your feelings."

   "I shouldn't have said what I said either. I'm so sorry, Luffy." I said, my voice cracking.

   A silence washed over us, both of us letting each other's apology seep in. Luffy squeezed my hand and opened his mouth to say something, then hesitated.

     "Luffy?" I questioned.

     "Do you remember what you said to me before Chopper came with the stretcher?"

     I stared at him blankly. "No."

    "Oh." He muttered. I could tell he wanted to talk about it, but now wasn't the time. His emotions were too high right now.

    "Is there any way I can take a shower?" I blurted out. I could tell I was getting a little ripe, and I just wanted the warm water to hit me.

    "Well everybody is out gathering supplies right now. We stopped at another island. Chopper said it was ok but that you can't be in there by yourself in case you need help." Luffy reported, then quickly adding "so uhm, you will have to wait for Nami or Robin to get back."

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now