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I drove. For hours I drove, joking and singing with Luffy, and even getting him to listen to the radio without switching stations every five seconds. It was the best time I had in a long time. But as the food wrappers piled up in the truck, the time started to get to me. It was time to find a place to stop for the night. I found a little motel off the highway and parked the truck and trailer.

I let appa loose in the trailer with a bucket of water so he could eat and drink easily throughout the night. Then I shook Luffy awake.

"Hey, we are going to rest here for the night. It's nothing fancy but it will be better than sleeping in the truck."

Luffy grumbled and followed me into the lobby. I got us a room and dragged him up with me. Luckily, this was one of the good motels. Clean and tidy. Good thing, since I was slightly worried about germs with Luffy. Something told me though that the illnesses here were nothing compared to the illnesses in Luffy's world. Not to mention this monster of a person had never really been sick before.

"Why is sitting in a truck so exhausting?" Luffy moaned.

"Cause you can't move."

"That makes zero sense."

"I know."

"But it must be true because I'm so tired." He said, dramatically draping himself over the bed.

"Me too." I pulled off my scarf and folded it so I could lay it on the bedside table. Then I pulled off my clothes and threw on a large tshirt. When I turned around, I realized Luffy had been staring at me. "What?"

"You're just so cute." He said plainly.

I grabbed my brush and started brushing my hair, rolling my eyes at him. I looked terrible and honestly wanted to shower. I grabbed some cleaning product out of my bag and scrubbed the shower. There was no way I was getting athletes foot 11 days before getting out of this reality. I then popped on some flip flops and got in the shower. At least Luffy still smelled like the ocean. I, however, did not smell like the sea.

When I got out, Luffy was already asleep, sprawled on the bed. I could tell he was trying to stay up until I was done, as he never got under the covers. I do not feel like sleeping without a blanket tonight. I tried every which way to pull the covers out from underneath him, but to no avail.

I threw on a sweater that was in my bag. It was big and baggie and would at least keep me a little warmer as I climbed into bed. I snuggled into the pillows and sighed. I draped a hand over Luffy's shoulder and felt myself falling asleep.


Luffy's eyes blinked open. It was still nighttime and he was increasingly aware that he was no longer alone in the bed. He looked over to see Misaki, her knees tucked in her giant sweater as she slept soundly next to him. One of her hands was outstretched and touching him, almost as if she had to in order to fall asleep. He smiled as her hair fell over her face and she snored softly.

He put his hand on hers before rolling out of bed, knowing she must have been chilly. He walked over to her and lifted her up gently, making her whine and cling to his neck. His heart was soaring. It beat at his ribcage like a wild beast, desperate to escape.

      He held her with one arm as he pulled the blankets back with the other and then gently set her back down. He got into the bed and pulled up the covers before wrapping his arms around her. She quickly clung to him, wrapping her arms and legs around him and burying her face in his chest. Butterflies were raging around in his stomach and his heart beat faster. This woman. He couldn't believe how reactive his body was to her, especially after being away for so long. He had been waiting to hold her like this all day.


    Sun rays peeked through the drapes, touching my face before I buried myself deeper into his arms. I could tell Luffy was awake already. His breathing tipped me off. I sighed happily against his chest, wishing I could stay like that just a little bit longer.

   "Hello there, beautiful woman." Luffy swooned, squeezing me a little. It was weird hearing him say something like that. "I missed this."

    "Mhmm. Me too." I said, kissing him on the chest. I felt his hands start to shift and I whined, hoping he would stay just a little bit longer. Instead, they kept moving down to the base of my sweatshirt before cascading up my bare torso. I shifted a little. Nooo, not here. Not in a motel.

    He brought his hands up to my chest and started rubbing and caressing me. I whined a little bit before grabbing his collar and pulling him into a kiss. His hands grabbed behind my back and pulled me on top of him as we kissed. I pulled away to say something, but he just pulled me right back into another kiss, breathing in deep as he did.

    I couldn't think. My mind was drawing a complete blank as he kissed me. He moved to pull my sweater off, leaving me completely exposed, and then ran his hand over my scars.

   "They look so different here." He muttered before sitting up so he could kiss them. One by one, tracing his lips to every scar on my torso, like he had it memorized. I jolted when I felt his teeth graze my collarbone. I let my fingers intertwine in his hair as our lips joined up again.

   Luffy shimmied his shorts off as he kissed me, and I pulled his sweater off of his shoulders, revealing his lean but ripped muscles. I traced the scar on his chest with my fingers, making him shudder against me. Then I ran my hands down his arms, making sure to enjoy every last detail.

    Luffy muttered something under his breath as I ran my hands back up his arms and down his torso. It didn't matter where we were anymore. It had been so long since I had seen him. I craved every part of him. I felt his hands fall to my hips and let him take over. I gasped as he slowly dropped me onto him. I had forgotten how big he was, and I grabbed his wrists, trying to slow him down. He moved so that his forehead was against mine and looked me in the eyes. He took a sharp breath in and held it as he continued to drop me down, trying desperately to hold out.

    We both needed a moment before he started rolling my hips against him. God, I love when he does this. Everything about this interaction was too much. The sensations, the intimacy, the passion. We were so in sync with each other, our breathing rising and falling in unison as we went. Slow and methodical, he took his time until we couldn't take it anymore.

     For the first time ever, we were truly alone. For the first time ever, we didn't have to hush ourselves when we finally got sent over the edge. For the first time ever, we cried out in pleasure to our hearts content, before collapsing next to each other, drenched in sweat.

    Luffy turned to look at me, his breathing still ragged. "I love you." He said, a huge grin spreading over his face.

   "I love you too." I said, returning his smile.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now