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    Luffy strode out of the crow's nest, ripping at the seams with a new goal. It was time to fix this.

     He ran to the girl's room, but was perplexed to find it empty. Coming back to the top, he scanned the deck looking for Misaki's blond hair that always flew so freely in the wind. But she wasn't there either. Luffy made a face. Where the Hell could she be? The kitchen? Nope. Dining Room? Nope. Boiler Room? Nah. Shower? No.

    Luffy walked through the last place he could think, being the aquarium. He didn't think he had ever seen her in there, but maybe he was wrong. Sure enough, there she was. Her hair sat wavy and mussed against her face, and the light reflecting from the tank made her blue eyes shine like nothing he had ever imagined. He gulped.

     "Misaki!" Luffy yelled, charging up to her.

      "Oh, hey Luffy." Misaki said, smiling weakly "I'm sorry about yelling at you. I know you just wanted to make me feel more at home."

      Just then, Luffy cupped her hands in his, once again exclaiming "Misaki!" He was ready. In the zone. It was about damn time. And then her eyes met his. Suddenly, his confidence wavered. Luffy could feel heat beginning to prick at his ears.

     "Yes?" She said it quietly but in such a cute way, her head tilting ever so slightly, that it made his stomach do a somersault. Stay focused, man. Luffy gulped and he let go of her hands, choosing to sit next to her instead. Yes, this is much better. He smiled wide at her and chuckled, closing his eyes as he tried to remember what he had thought to say. Looking down at her, he opened his mouth to speak, even taking a breath — a sharp little "ah" escaped before he quickly slammed his mouth shut again. No, that isn't good enough. Maybe... he scratched his head, still wanting to say something but unsure what or how to bring it about now.

    "Luffy?" Misaki asked. Shit, man, you gotta say something.


       "Luffy?" I asked. It was perplexing to see Luffy so uneasy. For someone as chaotic as he was, he had always been assured of what he was doing, and rather unwavering at that. Yet, here he was, jittery and full of nervous energy. It was honestly adorable, but very vexing to say the least.

      "Ah, uhm... I was w-wondering..." Luffy began, bouncing his leg rapidly. "Er, I mean, I wanted to... uhm..." Luffy sighed, seemingly abandoning one idea of conversation for another. "Have you ever kissed anybody else? Other than Zoro?" (Luffy: that's what I ended up with? Stupid!)

      "Oh, uhm... actually, yes. In the other reality." I responded. My answer seemed to relieve Luffy for some reason. Hoping he might give me a reason, I asked "why, does it make it better that I have?"

      "Oh, well uhm, I mean. It just would feel weird if your first kiss was Zoro, wouldn't it?"

      "Feel weird for me? Or you?"

        Luffy looked down, avoiding my gaze before stating "well, what's it matter anyways? It's just two people smashing their faces together."

      I chuckled at his description of a kiss. "It's not that simple. There are definitely ways to mess up a kiss."

      "Wait, you can mess it up?" Luffy looked back up quickly, his brow furrowed.

      "Well, uh, you see... if your lips are too soft, it can make your kiss too wet."

       "Too wet?"

       "And if your lips are too firm, then it just doesn't work right with the other person."

       "I see" Luffy looked at me as if he was hungry for more information. I felt a bead of sweat form. I felt obligated to continue.

      "I mean, there are a lot of ways to mess up a kiss otherwise too. Like I once had a guy open his mouth all the way up and force mine to open for a French kiss and my jaw actually cramped! It was so uncomfortable!"

     "Wait a minute! Why did he open his mouth? What's a French kiss?"

      I blushed and explained to him as best I could about French kissing and how to best go about it — especially as a girl who had a couple bad encounters. He listened thoroughly, with way more intensity than I was expecting.

     "Overall though, there are three main important things about it. One being Connection. It doesn't matter how good a kisser you are, if there is no connection, then it's no good."

     "Connection" Luffy echoed back, a corner of his mouth turning up a little.

    "Another being rhythm. Sometimes you have to feel it out but you have to try to find the right rhythm with a person."

     "Rhythm" Luffy repeated softly. Is he inching closer to me or am I going crazy?

    "And the final most important one is timing." I said, nervously averting my eyes at this topic. "If the timing is off, then nothing will be right about it and it can even turn someone off of that person completely." I said, feeling like I made very good points.

    "Timing" Luffy's smile fell to a frown and he leaned back a little, his interest turning to discontent very quickly.

     "Awe man, now your bored. No reason to be bored! I'm done!" I exclaim. Ugh, why did I ramble on for so long? This is Luffy. Unless it's exploring, beetles, or fighting, he has the attention span of a flea.

    Luffy let out a big bellied laugh. "Nah, I'm not bored, Misaki. You could never bore me!"

   "Well that's a relief I guess. What's with all the sudden interest by the way?" I said.

     "Well," Luffy said, holding his ankles and rocking back and forth as he spoke "the topic has been kinda out there lately and I guess I just got curious for a minute. No biggie, hehehe."

      "I guess that makes sense..."

      "What's wrong?" Luffy asked.

      "Well, I heard you punched Zoro... I wish you hadn't done that.."

       "Oh that? Nah, don't worry about that. We're all good now! Sometimes we just brawl a little. You should have seen when I thought he attacked some people because they didn't give him food he liked. Turned out they were assassins but how was I supposed to know that hahaha."

      "Hm... well that certainly does sound like an interesting misunderstanding" I said, chuckling. I remembered that episode. I felt like such a nerd, thinking back to that.

      I started to get up when I heard Luffy whine.

     "Where are you going M'?"

     "I was just going to go see what the girls were up to, maybe take a shower." In all actuality, I had gone to the aquarium to be alone and Luffy being there kinda messed with that. Not that I was opposed to chatting with Luffy, no matter how odd the subject, but I kind of needed some me time. I had a feeling Luffy sensed that as he did not try to follow me.

     "Oh, hey Zoro. Try to play nice you two" I said as I passed Zoro on the way out.


      Zoro could tell from one glance that nothing particularly spectacular had happened.

      "Coward" he teased dryly, lightly popping Luffy on the back of the head.

       "Apparently, it wasn't the right timing" Luffy retorted as he looked longingly after Misaki. "It just wasn't the right time."

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now