Day 11: Let go

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Damn, my head hurts. I opened my eyes, squinting at the sunlight flooding in through the windows. I was curled up on top of Luffy, who was anything but asleep. The way that he was breathing — quiet, yet heavy, devoid of snoring— that tipped me off.

"You were muttering in your sleep." Luffy said quietly. The statement was open ended, like he wanted to add something, but couldn't find the words. Instead, hesitation filled the air.

"I may have had a dream..." I trailed off.

"Good, or bad?" He asked shortly, as if he already knew the answer.

His hand was running up and down my arm — not in a sensual way, but firm and protective. I didn't want to admit to having a nightmare, but there was something I did want him to know.

"I remember you squeezed me a little, and everything was right after that."

"Yeah?" He asked. I could tell I made him smile, and looked up so I could see it. After what felt like an eternity where I could only imagine his sunshine smile, seeing it in person made my heart do little flips.

   I stretched up for a kiss. Since we weren't always in the sea air, his lips weren't as chapped as they usually were. Instead, they were soft and supple, molding perfectly with my own. He pulled me in, wrapping his arms tighter around me, as if begging for a longer kiss. I took a deep breath as I relaxed into him, enjoying the feeling of my heart skipping along merrily to his touch. He put his hands up to my face, making sure to be gentle so as not to hurt me, and stopped to press his forehead to mine.

   "I love you." He said. The words dripped from his lips like honey. I let them seep into me, letting my heart hammer wildly in response.


   "I love you." She echoed, her eyes flitting back and forth ever so slightly.

    Luffy could feel his heart erupting in his chest as he smiled at her. It felt like it had been an eternity since they said those words to each other. They hadn't even kissed since he rescued her. He was too worried about her to even think about mushy stuff like that. But now, they were in the comfort of her room, she had the rest she desperately needed, and they could finally relax.

    Luffy wasn't big on dwelling in the past, but after her nightmare last night, he felt the question hanging on his lips, wanting to be said. What happened to you while you were there? As much as he wanted to know, he wanted just as much not to know.

     He was so worried about what she had gone through that the entire drive home was rather quiet the day before. Mostly, it was filled with him just keeping her from sleeping because of her concussion. Not once did he ask her about what happened. Some of it he didn't have to ask about, but Misaki had said to her mom that only happened toward the end of her being there. So what happened before that? She had been beaten up before. Hell, she had been shot and never once did she have a nightmare about it. Misaki always slept soundly and usually if she muttered, it was obviously not a bad dream.

     But... that dream last night was anything but positive.

   No... go to Hell... you don't have to... Luffy. Luffy...

   The way she had said his name last night was nothing like he had ever heard escape her lips before. It was desperate, and laced with fear, pleading for him to come save her. Luffy clenched his jaw a little as the sound of her calling his name crept back into his mind.

   "Luffy?" Misaki questioned, sensing his tension.

    Luffy squeezed her into a hug, placing a hand behind her head and burying her into his shoulder.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now