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By the time Zoro and I got to the dining room, I could hear everybody messing around, waiting for the meal. I took a breath and grabbed the door knob. I paused, which immediately irritated Zoro as he shoved me inside. The entire dining room fell silent for a moment. Everybody then smiled, putting their hands up and yelling my name happily.

    "T-thanks guys." I stuttered, unsure how to respond to all of the energy.

    "Misaki." Luffy said, making me look up. "You can... um... never mind."

Zoro dragged me to his spot, plopping me down as I continued to look at Luffy. I couldn't pull my eyes away from him. He smiled nervously at me, and I finally pulled my gaze away, looking at my empty plate. Sanji, please get out here.


I jumped out of my skin as Brook started smacking his fork and knife together, chanting "food". Next thing I knew, most of the boys were doing it. Even Zoro was nudging me, trying to encourage me to join in. I looked at Zoro and smiled a little. Before putting my silverware together. Twice with full effort, until I felt his eyes on me. The next few were half hearted as my eyes were drawn to the man sitting in the strawhat.

He was looking at me, his eyes piercing right through me like a knife through butter. Quiet. Stoic. Totally unlike him. I set my silverware down, letting myself drown in his eyes. We were so far apart, both physically and mentally, yet I was so drawn to him. All I wanted was for him to come sit with me. But he didn't. Instead, we just held each other's gaze until the food came out. Even when it did, Luffy kept looking up from his meal, staring right at me, unflinching.

I took only a few bites all of dinner. I watched carefully as Luffy, for the first time I personally had ever seen, did not finish his plate. He picked at it half hazardly, glancing up at me between bites. It's almost like he didn't feel right eating when I wasn't either. It sucker. I wanted him to eat. To keep up his strength.

I smiled at him and ate a few more bites, trying to get him to eat. Whether the dining room was bugged or not, this was subtle. And it worked. Luffy, in turn, took a few more large bites and grinned back at me, making my stomach do a flip.


Once dinner was over, Luffy made his way back to the bathroom, taking note that Misaki did, in fact, head straight back to the study. Momma J and Zoro were close on her heels, making him feel a little better.

    He got into the bathroom and turned on the shower, pulling off his clothes and taking a moment to glance around as the water warmed up. He chuckled to himself. Misaki forgot to put her clothes away. Nami hates that. He picked them up and tossed them with his dirty clothes. He stared at them for a moment before getting under the water.

   He wished she was here. He already missed how much he could make her laugh. Her sneaky little grin when she was teasing him. The way she'd get goosebumps whenever they kissed. The sparkle in her eyes. The way they shimmered in the lights. He missed her sunshine smile, and the way she pouted when she didn't get her way. The way she couldn't resist leaning in to steal just one more kiss.

    He could feel tears pricking at the corners of his eyes and mixing with the shower water. He just wanted to be next to her. He was so drawn to her, it actually hurt to have her so far away in the dining room. His stomach growled, reminding him that he didn't eat enough food. For the first time in his life, he found it hard to eat. He sensed it was hard for her too. He wished he knew what was wrong. He wished he could fix it. Partially because then they could maybe go back to normal, but it was about more than that. He just didn't want to see her so torn up. So hurt.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now