Just Two More Days

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     "Luffy!" I jumped up, screaming. Appa startled for a moment and looked around, blowing a hard snort through his nose.

     "Oiiiii! Misakiiiiii!" Luffy and the crew waved their hands at me, grinning. "Come on! It's time to come home!" I took a step forward, my heart pounding out of my chest, before pausing.

     "Wait a minute! I can't! My horse!" Shit, I didn't think that through. I can't just leave appa in the middle of nowhere!

    Luffy stopped smiling and took off his hat, handing it to Nami. "I don't want this getting lost over there, so keep it safe for me ok?"

   "No, Luffy, wait!" And without a second thought, he jumped through the tear in the universe.

   "Come get us in two days, guys! Ok?"

    "Right!" They all cheered.

I blinked. If I could describe it, I would say he looked like a young, attractive Brazilian man. A chiseled jawline, tan, with lush lips that would make any girl jealous, and thick black hair, messy and actually sort of... curly. He had a red sweater on that wasn't zipped up, showing off his chizzeled features and the big x shaped scar on his chest. His black eyes bore into me as he dusted himself off. And then, he smiled. That big, bright, sunshine smile that made my stomach do a flip.


"Are... are you insane?! What if there is no way back!" I stammered, feeling anxiety creeping up my back.

"Relax, we've got that covered!"

"But then if you have a way back, why not just wait for a couple days for me to get Appa home and then just get me then? Why did you jump in here? What were you thinking?"

"Shut up!" He yelled, putting his hands on my face. He pulled me into a long, passionate kiss. My mind went blank. I intertwined my fingers in his hair and jumped into his arms as he picked me up and spun me around. My heart felt like it was going to explode. We broke away from our kiss and pressed our foreheads together, looking longingly into each other's eyes.

"I missed you." I whispered.

"Good thing." He chuckled. "Or else that greeting may not have been appropriate."

   "How did you find me?" I said, cupping his face in my hand. He looked so different but... he was still Luffy. My heart felt like it was going to break out of my chest any minute, my skin was tingling, and my face was on fire. I must have been blushing so hard.

   "Sabo made you a vivre card, remember?"

   "It still works?!"

   "That's right!" He said, setting me down. "And we found that that door dude! Much nicer than the other guy."

    "He helped you?"

    "That's right!" He said with a grin. "And the vivre card made it easy!"

"Are you sure he will be able to come back?" I said as Luffy started looking around.

"Yeah, it won't be a problem." He wandered over to Appa, who put his nose up to his hand. "Is this your horse?" He scrubbed him on the forehead and Appa leaned into him. "That's your favorite spot, huh?" He muttered to him. I couldn't help but grin.

He was always good with animals, but he was especially good at understanding their feelings. I didn't really think about what could transfer over from one reality to the other. Wait.

"Hey Luffy, are you still able to use your powers?"

"What do you mean?" Luffy said, still scratching Appa.

"When I got back here, I wasn't able to use my haki."

"Wait, since when could you use haki?!"

I grimaced.

"Oops, I guess I forgot to tell you. I had a haki awakening while I was still over there."

"Why didn't you tell me?" He said, facing me. Appa started rubbing his head into Luffy's back, making me chuckle.

"I'm sorry! A lot happened after that."

"Hmm, well..." Luffy balled up his fist, initiating his armament haki and then threw a punch, his arm stretching beyond the trees. Appa snorted at him, looking at his hand before continuing to rub his head on Luffy's back. "Looks like everything is fine on this end. Wonder why you can't do it?"

"Maybe it's because I'm from here?" I said, tilting my head. Luffy shrugged. Guess it doesn't really matter.

   Except, it did. I didn't think about it before, but it suddenly dawned on me how bad it would be for this world to know that there was a bridge between these two worlds. Shivers went up my spine at the military greed from this world.

    "Luffy, whatever you do, don't use your powers in front of anyone. In fact, don't call yourself Luffy either." Luffy tilted his head at me.

    "Why not?" Just then, Luffy looked around and walked over to my phone, listening curiously. "Heyyy, I didn't know you guys knew bink's sake over here! What's this little box?" Shit.

    "Ok, I have a little confession. The world kinda knows who you are. They just don't know you actually exist."

    "Oh! Neat." He said, not really looking for more information.

   "So we have to go incognito. If the higher powers here knew about you, I don't think it would go too well." I said, concern lacing my voice.

   "I trust whatever you say, Misaki. But what should I call myself? I was Lucy once."

   "Yeah, that's a girl's name, Lu.... There. We will just call you Lou! Anything else and I feel like you would blow it, no offense." I said, with a grin. Luffy laughed, scratching the back of his head.

   "You're probably right, there... So how long will it take to get him back home?" He said, gesturing to Appa, who had gone back to munching grass.

   "Two more days is about right. I'm surprised you got the timing right." Wait just a minute. TIMING! "Wait.... Luffy?"

   "Yes?" He said, mimicking the concern in my voice.

   "How long did it take for you to open that rift?"

    " Like a month. A couple days less... Why?"

   I lunged at my phone, pulling up a calculator. "A month." I muttered. "It was six though."

   "What are you on about?" Luffy said, peering over my shoulder. "Woah, that box is cool!"

    "Even at 28 days, that's still about six days per day!" I said, biting my lip.

   "What do you mean?"

    "Luffy, I've been here for six months!"

     "Whaaat?! That's weird!"

     "The time warp has to be about six to one! Give or take depending on how much time passed the first time around! There IS time dilation! And it IS consistent!"

    Luffy scratched his chin and hummed in agreement. "Hmm, so it's a mystery timing thingy!"

   "Yes. It's a mystery timing thingy." I said, rolling my eyes. "But that means we don't have 2 days. We are going to be here for about 12!"

   Luffy's eyes widened "Oh shit."

   How the Hell was I supposed to keep this man a secret for this long?!

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