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     Luffy snuck out ahead of me and I wandered out in some sweats and the tshirt he threw at me. Heading toward the bathroom I gestured to Nami as I passed by, letting her know she could go in the room. I hopped in the shower to rinse off before taking a soak in the tub. It felt so good to soak in the hot bath. Especially after the rollercoaster I had just experienced.

      I didn't mean for things to go that way. At all. I just wanted to kiss him again. I leaned back in the tub, trying to relax. I felt my fingers dance as I thought about how quickly everything got out of control. How it felt, having his hands run up and down my body. How good it felt to... I covered my face and squealed, stamping my feet like a love struck teen. I couldn't believe how powerless I was to him.

    I wanted that feeling to last. The feeling where my heart swelled when he looked at me. Where my heart rammed against my chest, desperate to get out. Where his smile lights up my darkness.

    I wanted him to keep looking at me like that. I wanted him to keep jumping a little when we touched. I wanted him to gasp when I do something he thinks is cute, and mutter things under his breath thinking I can't hear him.

  What was this feeling? This yearning was something I had never felt before. I had been in relationships before this. I had loved before. But this was different. God, I sound like one of those stupid girls in a romance novel. But it was true. I hadn't realized it, but I had never been in love. Not really. Not until now.

     I really wished we hadn't had sex yet. I was worried it would ruin it, but I was still just as enamored with him as before. The tension was still there. The love was still growing. I want it to keep growing.

    I pinched my eyes together. There it was. At least for now, I didn't want to leave here. I wanted to see where this would go. I think... I want to stay.


    Luffy strode into the kitchen like a valiant warrior that just came home after winning the battle. There wasn't much he could snack on with the lock on the fridge, but that didn't stop him from popping a couple grapes. Well, a couple bundles of grapes. And some rolls. Hell, a few handfuls of chips wouldn't hurt either.

     "You look like you're in a good mood." Zoro commented.

    Luffy shot him a huge grin. "You could say that!" He stuffed another handful of chips in his mouth.

     "What happened?"

     "Hehe, I don't need to kiss and tell"

    "Ah, so you and Misaki kissed again." Zoro stated, closing his eyes and forcing a smile.

    "I guess you could say that." Luffy said, popping an entire roll in his mouth.

    "Well, I'm glad you kids are making it work" Zoro said.

    "Hey! What the Hell are you doing with that food, you little weasel!" Sanji came rushing in, kicking luffy in the back of his head, making him cough and choke for a second on the roll.

     "Give me a break, Sanjiii! Today is speciallll!" Luffy whined.

    "Special? What is that supposed to mean?" Sanji responded.

    "He and Misaki kissed." Zoro stated.

    "We didn't just kiss!" Luffy exclaimed.

      Zoro raised his eyebrows. He thought back to when Misaki and him kissed, remembering how quickly she tried to amp it up to eleven. "Oh?"

     Luffy blushed, and stuffed another roll in his mouth, eliciting another kick from sanji, which this time he dodged. Misaki was gonna kill him. He needed to change the subject.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now